New Hampshire

Question about posts

Hi Ladies!

I have what may be a ridiculous question but what does the number in the "posts" column next to each post signify?  I was under the impression that it showed the number of responses to each post but when I clicked on a post I made the other day that showed a "17" in the posts column there were no replies in the actual post.  Also, I know that there was at least one reply to my post because I saw it the other day and it was mysteriously gone.  Is there somewhere else I should be looking to see if anyone has replied to my post?

Re: Question about posts

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    edited December 2011
    You're right.  It's supposed to be the count of the number of people that replied.  However, this count includes the original post (i.e. it will never be 0).  I have found that sometimes things can be a little wonky and the number can be screwed up.  There is a button at the top of the message that says "email replies" and it will send all the replies to your email address you used when you signed up.  You can also click the button to the top right that says "watch" and then to check posts you're watcing you can click on "Threads I'm Watching" which is found on the sidebar to the left.

    Anniversary Buying A Home
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    edited December 2011

    hmm maybe it was a error? Because It is suppose to.

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    edited December 2011
    Thank you for the explanation & tips!  I'm still getting used to some aspects of the knot.  :)
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