Florida-South Florida

Trash the Dress

Hey Everyone,
I know its been awhile since I have posted but I had surgery and been out for awhile. I have a question, what is everyone opinion  about trashing the dress. I cant decided if I want to do it yet or not. So, I am asking everyone what they think about it..
Thanks ahead of time...

Re: Trash the Dress

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    edited December 2011
    hey good to see you posting!

    I like it but I wouldnt destroy my dress - no tearing or bad stains, maybe just some water and dirt that can be cleaned off you know?
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    edited December 2011
    I didn't know you had surgery =/ how are you feeling? Are you ok?

    Well, I love the idea but I agree with Alissa. I will probably be doing it but def not tearing up or destroying my dress.

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    edited December 2011
    My dress was not that expensive, but even if it was, i really have no future plans with my dress. I think TTD is super fun and I can't wait to do one. and i'm not necessarily planning to trash it, but i wouldn't cry if it got ripped or stained lol. i think if you want to do it, go for it! i hope you're felling well from your surgery :)
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    edited December 2011
    Personally, I think it's the most selfish, loathesome thing I have ever heard of.  If you don't plan on keeping your dress for sentimental value, why not donate it? Why spend so much money on somethig to destroy it?  It seems rather childish. Do some good and help out with the fight against breast cancer.  Not only will you be charitable toward the cause, but you may be making some woman's dream come true by enabling her to buy a dress that would have been otherwise out of her price range.  You can still take some really beautful, artistic shots of you in your dress without trashing it.  Just focus on unique locations as opposed to unique ways to destroy a garment that for so many months was very special to you and could potentially be special to someone else.     
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    edited December 2011
     In the end its up to you. Its your dress and wedding. Most of us won't have the opportunity to wear our dress again. Doing a trash the dress session will allow you to slip into it and enjoy it once again. However, My MOH has a dear family friend who was recently married. She did a trash the dress session in her amazing gown... and days later regretted it. It wasn't the money, it was because of the sentimental value the dress held to her. She never thought she would be so attached to a dress! Its up to you. I think the shots are BEAUTIFUL and I wish I had the guts to do something like that.. but i don't. I can't even throw away clothes that I know don't fit/look awful.

    good luck and don't worry i'm sure you'll make the right decision.  
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    atizonatizon member
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    edited December 2011
    I was thinking about trashing my dress but now that I am spending so much money on my dress I might reconsider but if I do the TTD I will definatly make sure it can be dry cleaned after ward with no permanent stains. It's all up to you :)

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    twinkle82576twinkle82576 member
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    edited December 2011
    I plan on doing a TTD session, but not rip it or stain it in a way that it won't come out. After the session, I'll have the dress cleaned then I'll probably donate it.
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    edited December 2011
    Hi all - I'm new to post having just planned my wedding for May 2010.  One thing I always knew I would do was a trash the dress photo shoot!  I am spending very little on my dress, and the cost of preserving and cleaning would actually be more than what I spent on it.  Also we didnt have engagement photos taken, so we intend to have some beautiful shots of us in the ocean and on the beach taken.  That way we can put those up in our home as opposed to a more formal wedding portrait which simply wont suit our style.  I love the trend.... although donating the dress is also a wonderful idea. 
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    KelSmith20KelSmith20 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011

    Hey Everyone!

    Yes I am fine after my surgery. I just had it on my sinus. Its hard to sleep because you have to breath thru my nose..But anyways, I think I am going to do it but not stain it, get it wet, or stain it.... I love the way the pictures look I just love my dress also....

    Its been a long time since I been on here but posting messages isnt easy like it used to be. What happen?!? Thanks for everyone help.. Its GREAT!

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