Pre-wedding Parties

Is it weird to buy things off the registry and then use them at the shower?

So I am planning a bridal shower for my sister, and I happened to notice on her registry a couple of things that I was planning on buying anyway for her shower. Would it be strange to use them for the shower and then just have her bring them home? Specificaly there is a drink dispencer that matches the theme and a couple of bowls I could put the silverware in. What are your thoughts?

Re: Is it weird to buy things off the registry and then use them at the shower?

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    edited July 2012
    Don't do this. It would definitely be giving her a used gift, and would just be awkward. "My gift to you is actually the drink dispencer and bowls we're using right now! Don't worry; I'll wash them before giving them to you." See how that would be weird?

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    Oh, please don't use them first! 
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    egm900egm900 member
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    Have you thought about asking your sister if she's okay with it?  In my family, we would do it.  If you have to buy a drink dispenser anyway and aren't interested in keeping it yourself, you might as well get the one she wants and let her keep it.  I wouldn't count it as her gift though, just a necessary party expense.
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    I'd rather get brand spanking new stuff than used ones.

    FWIW, I found some plates to use as serving plates at my friend's shower and realized, holy crap, these were the same plates she has! So after the party, I told her she could take them home with her, if she wanted. They weren't gifts, I just wrapped up leftovers on the plates and told her she didn't have to return the plates to me lol.
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    If your not counting it as your gift to her then makes sense to let her keep them since its something she wants anyways. And its your sister talk to her about it and see what she thinks.
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    Okay, the real reason to not do this, besides the fact that some people just find it odd, is that it is improper to use ANY wedding gift before the wedding. Trust me, I have seen it happen where a poor girl called off her wedding and had to give all the gifts back to her gifters. It's an awkward situation at best, but made even worse if the gifts are unreturnable. I'm sure that your sister will have a lovely wedding and marriage...but it's just a big old ettiquette no-no.
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    Hold on a second here everyone - she's hosting the shower. I would never expect whoever hosted my shower to give me a gift beyond that. Why not send her home with items SHE WANTS? Obviously it depends on your relationship with your sister, but I really don't think you should have to worry about etiquette with someone you likely punched and kicked throughout preschool. Just talk to your sister about it. Be like, I want to get you the drink dispenser on your list - is it cool if we use it for the shower? I'm sure she'll be stoked. And if for some reason they don't get married, do you really care if she doesn't give you the drink dispenser back?
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