Florida-West Coast

Contacting Vendors

Just a question, but how long should it take for a potential vendor to write me back? I ask this because I have contacted several Knot approved DJs and not one of them has written me back! I've left messages (yes, plural) with Grant Hemond & Associates and sent emails to both Rob Sword & R-J Vida. Each time I got the standard "I'll contact you soon!" but it's been over a week and nothing. It makes me nervous that I haven't even hired them yet and they're already avoiding my calls... lol.
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Re: Contacting Vendors

  • ceeceed80ceeceed80 member
    edited December 2011
    Wow. A week is a long time for a call back. I would say a few days would be acceptable, however, I haven't had that issue yet. 

    BTW - just because they are Knot approved doesn't mean that there aren't better vendors out there. Just my .02 :)
  • edited December 2011
    Haha good point! I just figured that if other Knotties had good experiences that I would be able to trust them... but not returning messages is just kind of rude since I'm *so* ready to book someone!! Argh! Feel free to let me know who your DJ was in your comments. :D
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • jtritchjtritch member
    edited December 2011
    That's a little surprising - I am using Rob Sword for our wedding, and he and his wife have been ridiculously quick.  We had some issues with our contract, and we literally traded about 6 emails within a 48 hour period.    Given that ALL the vendors listed haven't returned your calls, you may want to follow up. 
  • edited December 2011
    That's actually REALLY surprising to me because all 3 are very reputable.  RJ Vida sent me a typical "I'll contact you soon" line and I never heard from him again.  But Grant Hemond and Rob Sword were very responsive.  I ended up booking Tony Lange with Grant Hemond and I would definitely recommend them.  You may want to try sending an email through their website..?  I always call and talk with Beverly.  GL!
    Brooke + Chavis
    est. 10/10/10

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  • edited December 2011
    Yea, I'm definitely going to follow up it was just weird that all three hadn't replied! Interesting to know that RJ Vida didn't reply to you at all. I have heard good things about Grant Hemond. I'm going to give them another go!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Christinab22Christinab22 member
    edited December 2011
    I am using Rob Sword and as jtritch stated, we also exchanged a number of emails within a day or two. He actually called me on a Sunday which surprised me...I didn't think I'd hear anything back on the weekend. I'm sorry you haven't heard back. I'm thinking you should just follow up.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    As a wedding photographer, my professional opinion is that they need to respond to your e-mail within 24hrs unless they give you some other indication that they are out of town.  If they don't even respond to your e-mails then that is a pretty good indication of how attentive they will be to the rest of your needs and concerns throughout the wedding process.  You are not crazy for wanting a quick response!  
  • Angie.LapkovAngie.Lapkov member
    edited December 2011
    Maybe they're extremely busy, who knows, or maybe your email gone to their junk mail somehow. I would send another one, it's quiet  strange that you have not heard from none of them.
  • edited December 2011
    I am going to say I had that problem with Rob as well but I have sent him another email and ever since that he has been on the ball. we exchanged emails up until 11pm one night with questions and he called me right away after I had sent him a second email. But after meeting with him and talking to him he seems great at what he does and knows what he is doing.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Tati316Tati316 member
    edited December 2011
    You know it's funny I've had the same problem, I wonder why? Rob was booked but he said he'd get back to me and he never did... weird
  • edited December 2011
    Tati, I sent you a PM!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I used Rob for my wedding and he was very responsive and wonderful the day of...I hope you hear back from one of them and are able to get your DJ checked off your list
  • bnwgatorbnwgator member
    edited December 2011
    Rob got back to us in about 24 hours. Once we were able to meet with him, we both loved him so much we booked him right away. I find it strange he hasn't gotten back to you yet! I wonder what happened there. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    A lot of vendors think you're getting married next year, so they have plenty of time to contact you.  I don't see it that way and just call the next vendor on the list.

    That said, I'm totally shocked that you haven't heard back from Rob Sword as I've dealt with him on multiple occasions.  I do know that he's been really busy setting up the Wedding and Event Gallery on US19 and maybe your email got overlooked or lost in the confusion.  Considering the quality of his work and his excellent reputation, I'd give him another try.
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