
I'm glad it's Thursday

because it's one day closer to Friday

how has everyone been? any big checks or relaxations going on?

what are you doing for Father's day? i'm taking my dad to Hickory House

best. ribs. ever.


just wanted to check in!
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Re: I'm glad it's Thursday

  • edited December 2011
    Hellllloooo! :-)

    Well, we survived our trip to San Diego. Went to Disneyland on Tuesday.. THAT was a blast, but man am I tired! Haha!  We got home around 9 last night, and back to work this morning.

    I have a hair and eyebrow waxing appointment tonight that I'm super excited about, then really nothing else going on WR until next Wednesday.  Flowers are being delivered on Wednesday, so we'll be putting those together.  Thursday I have a nail and spa appt., then the rehearsal dinner. And Friday is the big day!! AAAHHHH!!  8 days to go!! YAY! :-)

    I'm going up to my parents house in Greeley on Sunday to hang out with my dad.. probably BBQ at their house and just relax!  I'm looking forward to it! :-)
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  • JessieR933JessieR933 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Nothing to exciting her. BBQ for father's day with my Dad, Uncle and the Grandparents. Just been relaxing by the pool. 
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