
XP need tipping advice for caterer

I am posting this in here, too because Wisconsin might have a different “tipping environment.”

My caterer told me that "gratuity” is not included in the final bill. We’re at approx. $2,000 right now (will decrease at final headcount of course.) There will be 3 wait-staff/cook billing at 16.50 per hour for a maximum of 3 hours.

I presume that I will tip after the caterers are finished cleaning up the buffet table and I sign the waiver (Waiver is for when they release any leftovers to me.)
But how much exactly should I tip? I don't think I should go off the final bill, but am I wrong here. The caterer’s answer was pretty vague. He basically said that if I feel that the "service" was good, I could tip, but I am not obligated too. Of course, I feel like we have to tip, and I want to. I know the service will be good, because I was able to experience it at my friend's wedding. I just don't know what's appropriate. Do I do a percentage? Should I tip a flat $100? Is that too cheap? Is that too much?

I am at a total lost here.
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