October 2012 Weddings

Another hostess question... kinda

This Sunday is my first shower, and it is being thrown by the church that my fiance grew up in. I have only been to this church once (it is very far from my house!) and had no idea these women (none of which are invited to the wedding, except FMIL and FSIL) were even doing this until it was posted in the church bulletin!

So I know none of these women. None. Zero. I will obviously send them each individual thank you cards for their gifts, but do I need to also send a generic thank you card to the church thanking everyone who came? Should I do something else as well?

I'm so anxious about this!
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Re: Another hostess question... kinda

  • That sounds like the church my Grandmother attends...and where my parents were married...and actually were my ex-H and I were married! They do a LOT of 'Thank you's' posted on the board. I think that would be very appropriate, and ask they please also note the Sunday bulletin with thanks as well.
    ~~Mendi~~ ...Everyone has their price; mine's chocolate Photobucket
  • Can you ask your FMIL what people usually do for situations like this?  If she's a member there (or at least was in the past), she probably went to a few showers like this or at least seen if people did a generic thank you in the bulletin or something similar. 
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