Wedding Party

vests vs cummerbunds

I stopped by a Men's Wharehouse the other day just to see what tux options they have and while talking to the guy I asked him if they do cummerbunds instead of vests. First he looked at me like i had three heads and then said no one really does those anymore nowadays, that cummerbunds are only for formal events. So i said our wedding if pretty formal (we're getting married in a cathedral, and the reception is in a ballroom with a sit down dinner) but it's not black tie required. I really like the look of cummerbunds with bowties better than vests and ties, i think it just looks more polished. But now i'm second guessing myself. The girls are also wearing navy blue tea length dresses. is it ok to have the guys be more formal?

Re: vests vs cummerbunds

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    You can go with cummerbunds if you really want, but honestly, the last time I saw a guy in a cummerbund was as part of our junior high school choir uniform, and even then it looked dated.

    Final decision on the men's outfits should rest with your FI, though.  What does he think?
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    I do think cummerbunds look very formal, but I don't think they're dated. That said, let your FI decide - he gets to pick what his GMs wear.
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    I hate cumberbunds. they are dated.
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    Ditto the others, this should be your FI's call.

    I don't know if cummerbunds are any more formal than vests, but IMO it looks really stupid when cummerbunds are in a color other than black. Or white. Black looks dashing and classic to me, but colors just look silly. (I'm also not a fan of colored vests, but IMO those at least look better than colored cummerbunds.)

    For what it's worth, FI said a while back that he didn't like them, and that he thinks they just make heavy guys look even heavier. He was in someone's wedding and the bride wanted to put them in red cummerbunds and bow ties, but the tux shop guy talked them into silver vests and ties. FI said he was very relieved to get the silver vest instead of the red cummerbund.

    But this is not your decision. It's your FI's. Talk to him, and by all means make suggestions, but leave the decision up to him.
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    true it's the FI's decision, but there's a reason the guy looked at you like you have three heads. no one wears them anymore. vests and tie's are the norm now, even at true black tie events.

    and imo they look old and dated, something that i would expect my father to wear not my wedding party.
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    megk8ozmegk8oz member
    First Comment
    edited December 2009

    Definitely poll your FI and GMs on what they'd prefer wearing.

    But to be honest, the only times I've ever seen men in cummerbunds were in movies and plays ... never in the "real" world (And I've gone to a few really fancy affairs).

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    I agree that it's FI's decision.

    Cumberbunds scream 1988 to me. 
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    Oh yeah, forgot to say that this is totally your fiance's call.
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    This is definitely your fiance's call...but cummberbunds are very dated. If you watch the Oscars and see what all the well dressed guys are wearing-it's not cummerbunds. You can be really formal with or without a vest. Look up photos of George Clooney at the Oscars-very formal without vest, bowtie or cummberbund.
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    It's absolutely your FI's call.

    However IMO, cumberbunds go hand in hand with dresses that have giant poofy bell shoulders.

    You can still wear a vest for a formal event.   The cumberbund isn't required.
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    If FI wants cumberbunds then go with cumberbunds. Who is the guy at men's wearhouse to dictate what 'should' be worn at YOUR's and FI's wedding?

    That being said, I DO think they are very formal looking but I DON'T think they are dated...
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    lol, even my dad thought cumberbunds were out dated and decided to wear a vest/tie to my wedding. and most of the guys i have talked to said they are really uncomfortable. totally up to you though, a tux will look formal with a tie/vest or w/ a cumberbund. i don't think one is fancier than the other. 
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    I don't like cummerbunds, they look dated to me.  I prefer vests because when the gm take their tux jackets off, they look more put together with a vest than with a piece of fabric strapped to their belly.  And that little poof of shirt fabric on their back between their pants and the strap of the cummerbund is not attractive.
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    Thank you Panda, they are "cummberbunds". I learned that at band camp (no lie), which is what cummberbunds remind me of.

    I didn't know they were dated, because I don't generally pay attention, but I do prefer the look of vests. Cummerbunds on heavy guys remind me of pregnancy belly supports.

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    Hmmm, my spell check doesn't like cummberbund.  It prefers cummerbund.  

    According to this it could be cummerbund or cumberbund.  I prefer cummerbund because I'm old school like that.

    Debating the spelling of this unfortunate accessory means I'm tired.
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    Sorry, they are definitely dated.  As PPs said, it's your FI's choice, and I'm guessing he will probably want to wear the vest and tie.  Or did he already voice his opinion on this, and was duly ignored?
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    You can do it if you like, but cummerbunds remind me of my prom - which was in 1988.
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    [QUOTE]Hmmm, my spell check doesn't like cummberbund.  It prefers cummerbund.   According to this it could be cummerbund or cumberbund.  I prefer cummerbund because I'm old school like that. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Debating the spelling of this unfortunate accessory means I'm tired.
    Posted by pandasquishy[/QUOTE]

    YOu are right. I was so tired I mixed up the right spelling of cummerbund with the one that was being used by others, cumberbund. Wow.. I needed sleep.
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