Every once in a while, more often then not, I start to think about my FI and it really blows me away that I get the privilege of marrying this man. I feel like I won the lottery.
He is everything a man (in my eyes) should be. He's a jack of all trades, and is so good at everything he puts his hands/mind to. He is so old fashioned and respectful it blows me away. (He even asked for our first kiss).
He works hard as a crane operator (so cool!) and the mathematical/engineering knowledge that his career takes is just beyond me on so many levels. His smarts are so sexy to me.
He's hilarious and we both love making each other laugh.
ON TOP OF ALL THAT... he's so gosh darn gorgeous!
OK, Ill stop... but I'm sure all of you girls can
relate! Tell me about your superhero and why hes the only one for you! Post your favorite picture
Halloween 2012