
Boston College Club (Boston) + Connors Center (Dover)

Hi all,

I'm still in my venue searching days! I've searched through some past posts on most of the venues on my list (I have 8 that I'm visiting this month), but didn't see much on these two:

- Boston College Club (you need to be a member or have a member sponsor you, but FI's cousin is a member so we're set. Event min is $19,000 which seems reasonable and the view is amazing!)

- Connors Center, Dover: Appears you need to bring in all outside caterers, etc for this so no idea on what pricing would be like or what sort of place this is.

Any insights on either venue would be much appreciated!

Re: Boston College Club (Boston) + Connors Center (Dover)

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    I grew up in Dover.  It's OUT there----with no real roads nearby.  The property was purchased by BC a few years ago and is often used for conferences.  (Which is likely why you didn't find much about this venue online!) My bridal shower was at a house nearby and most told stories of loving the beautiful homes, but WOW was it a long drive.... Unless you're from the area and have family there, it's a challenge to find/get to.  It's only 13 miles west of the city, but because there's only a few ways in, it takes forever to get there.  It's a good 20 minute drive from the Mass Pike (gotta consider traffic!) or route 9, also about 15 to 20 minutes from 95/128---assuming you know where you're going!  I suggest you consider driving there one day to see it for yourself.  While a very beautiful location, it isn't easily accessible. If you're considering any type of winter wedding, DO NOT go to Dover.  Snow is a huge issue west of 128/95.  Plowing isn't done in the suburbs the way it is in the city. 

    I've been to a few alumni events at the BC Club (assuming you're referring to the one in Post Office Square area...?) and enjoyed them tremendously.  However, I'd have to see a wedding there to imagine it.  There are so many great hotels and venues in Boston.  Now that I'm married, (had my wedding 2 weeks ago!) I have decided that it all comes down to this---where do you feel most comfortable?  What is truly in your budget? Keep in mind---with fees/taxes/etc miscellaneous things, add 30% above the prices for the extras!  It was a tremendously expensive day that I will always remember. However, I'd prefer my parents not be paying for it until they die.  
    While it's great to look online and do research, the reality is that you need to visit places to get a sense for what you want.  These two locations are so very different.  Have you thought about the type of event you want or a theme of sorts?  (One is downtown and very urban while the other suburban and more rustic, if you will....) I think it is similar to choosing a college.  Once you've put some thought to what you want out of this, it will be easier to figure out if they meet your criteria.  Hope that helps!  Good luck!  Such an exciting time!!
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Boston College Club (Boston) + Connors Center (Dover)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I grew up in Dover.  It's OUT there----with no real roads nearby.  The property was purchased by BC a few years ago and is often used for conferences.  (Which is likely why you didn't find much about this venue online!) My bridal shower was at a house nearby and most told stories of loving the beautiful homes, but WOW was it a long drive.... Unless you're from the area and have family there, it's a challenge to find/get to.  It's only 13 miles west of the city, but because there's only a few ways in, it takes forever to get there.  It's a good 20 minute drive from the Mass Pike (gotta consider traffic!) or route 9, also about 15 to 20 minutes from 95/128---assuming you know where you're going!  I suggest you consider driving there one day to see it for yourself.  While a very beautiful location, it isn't easily accessible. If you're considering any type of winter wedding, DO NOT go to Dover.  Snow is a huge issue west of 128/95.  Plowing isn't done in the suburbs the way it is in the city.  I've been to a few alumni events at the BC Club (assuming you're referring to the one in Post Office Square area...?) and enjoyed them tremendously.  However, I'd have to see a wedding there to imagine it.  There are so many great hotels and venues in Boston.  Now that I'm married, (had my wedding 2 weeks ago!) I have decided that it all comes down to this---where do you feel most comfortable?  What is truly in your budget? Keep in mind---with fees/taxes/etc miscellaneous things, add 30% above the prices for the extras!  It was a tremendously expensive day that I will always remember. However, I'd prefer my parents not be paying for it until they die.   While it's great to look online and do research, the reality is that you need to visit places to get a sense for what you want.  These two locations are so very different.  Have you thought about the type of event you want or a theme of sorts?  (One is downtown and very urban while the other suburban and more rustic, if you will....) I think it is similar to choosing a college.  Once you've put some thought to what you want out of this, it will be easier to figure out if they meet your criteria.  Hope that helps!  Good luck!  Such an exciting time!!
    Posted by luv2teech7[/QUOTE]

    First, congrats on your wedding! :-) Out of curiosity, where did you get married?

    I actually grew up in Westwood and the ceremony is going to be in Westwood, which is essentially the only reason for looking in Dover. My preference is to have a city wedding (which is still easily accessible from Westwood esp given the train links), but they tend to be more expensive for obvious reasons. I will definitely take into account what you're saying about the 'out there' location though. There will be a lot of people from the Westwood/Boston area who will probably be familiar with it, but also a good amount of OOTs!
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    My husband and I recently purchased a house on the south shore, so we had our reception in Quincy---1/2 way between my family/friends and his.  

    If people are accustomed to going out to Westwood, then it's probably a great location for you! My other friends married in the area had their receptions at country clubs nearby, so that wouldn't help you at all.  (I was actually married in Florida and only had a reception here...)  What part of a city wedding do you want?  I have been to weddings where you feel like you're driving for a super long time to get from the ceremony to the reception....and then there's the pictures!  I'd encourage you to consider which aspects of the city reception are important to you and see if there's a way to get those from a location closer and cheaper.  Hope that helps!!  
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