African American Weddings

I feel so blessed...check! (PiP)

Ok, so the dress I wanted has steadily been decreasing in price until I  saw it at David's Bridal online for $99 on Wednesday! I was told it's being discontinued. So there I am frantically calling local stores and I find one that has exactly one in the store, and in my size. I call my MOH and tell her what a crazy deal I'm about to get on my dream dress. I make plans to purchase it today (Friday).

Well, yesterday (Thursday, obviously) my sister calls and says "let's go out for wings after you get off work." Only, I get in the car at 5:30pm and there is my dress. I was shocked. Apparently my MOH called the store and paid for it, then arranged with my sis through Facebook to pick it up. I screamed and cried!! I'm so happy to have these people in my life.

Here she is...disregard my raccoon eyes, since I really had just finished crying and smearing my mascara.
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Re: I feel so blessed...check! (PiP)

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