Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul

Invites DONE!!!

Ahhhhhh...... that is my massive sigh of relief as I stare at our pile of 170 completely done-it-ourselves invitations.  There were moments during the process that I thought it would have been worth the $500 we were saving to just have them professionally done.  However, now that they are all finished, I am really happy we did them together.  It was a great learning experience, for sure!!  Plus I guess I am a little proud of our work :)  Pic below, and more in bio under "Paper" to check out!!!


My Planning Bio Updated 9.2.11
My New House Bio! Updated 5.8.11
image 356 Invited image 144 will be there! image 212 missing out image 0 holding up the show

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: Invites DONE!!!

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