
Catholic Church/Out of town

Hi all,

My fiance is Catholic but lives out of state, I am from the Philly area and baptized Christian but not Catholic.  We are looking for a Catholic church to get married in next fall near the Morris Arboretum (Chestnut Hill) where we will be having our receptions.  Any ideas on who nearby might marry non-parishoners?  We already tried St. Genevieve and they said no.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Catholic Church/Out of town

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    Good luck with this.  My fiance and I live in the DC area and are getting married in a Catholic church in the Philly suburbs (where I grew up).  Nearly every church we encountered required the couple or a family member to be a parishioner.  We chose our church because my parents are parishioners and they are flexible enough to allow my FI and I to complete pre-cana in the DC area.  If you or your FI have any Catholic relatives in the area I would try whatever church they belong to.
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    I"m from the DC area as well and my FI and I got married at St. Rita's in Philly.  They were very accomodating and Fr. Joe was great to work with.  We even played one of the songs that he composed for our wedding.  Definitely look into them!
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    I was married in Bryn Mawr with no problems at Our Mother of Good Counsel, it would be about a 25 min drive from Chestnut Hill.  It was $200 for the Church and we live in London and did pre cana online no issues.  My H is Anglican which was also not an issue.
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    You should try contacting the Diocese office - they should be able to help you out. Your fiance will probably need a letter from his home parish stating that he was baptized.
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    Wow $200 is great. St John the Baptist is asking for $500 (not including organist/singer.)
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