
Invitation wording

If we are having our ceremony and reception at the same place, is it sufficient to simply write "Reception immediately following" at the bottom of the invite?  Do people understand that that means the reception is at the same place?  We weren't planning on doing a separate reception card, but I'm wondering if we need any additional information on the invite.

Also, can someone remind me about the rule for writing out the time?  Is it "half past five o'clock" or "half after five o'clock"?  I had in my head that it was 'after' but I have no idea where I got that idea.  TIA!

Re: Invitation wording

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    edited December 2011
    If it's in the same location, it's perfectly acceptable to write "Reception immediately following the ceremony" at the bottom of the invitation. 

    You use half AFTER five o'clock wedding and other invitations.  Traditionally, past is reserved for funerals and wakes because it sounds close to "passed."  In the past, parents who were unhappy about the couple's marriage would use half past to indicate that they wouldn't accept their daughter's choice of spouse and that their daughter would be dead to them once she married him.


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    edited December 2011
    hrparker...you amaze me w/ all your "wedding" knowledge!!! Laughing You are like the book of "what to do & what not to do"...hahahaha....so glad to have you here!
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    edited December 2011
    Thanks HR!  Maybe you should write a FAQ for the knot to post somewhere, or ask them about becoming their resident etiquette columnist.  I tend to like your advice much more than Carley's :)
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    edited December 2011

    Thanks ladies. 
    In truth, though, most (though not all - I do have some mad google skills Wink) of this knowledge came from my looooooooong stint as a P&E reg.  

    Plus, some of my advice isn't all that popular with dyed-in-the-wool traditionalists.
    I'm all for tradition, I think it's nifty.  I'm also all about etiquette - being a gracious host/ess and making sure your guests are comfortable is a fabulous idea.  But I'm NOT about blindly following certain traditions just because they exist.  There comes a point when you have to realize that some traditions are based on values that we as a society no longer agree with (e.g. the sexist belief that women became their husband's property after marriage and still dictate that women should be known as "Mrs. John") and aren't worth adhering to because they only further the values that they were founded on.  jmho...
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