Minnesota-Minneapolis and St. Paul

Monday check in - Weekend checks?!

Anyone get any checks completed this weekend WR/NWR?

And I know we've got some newbies out there & we want to hear a little bit more about you!  

Your name? FI's name?
Proposal story?
Any vendors booked yet?
Any questions for us?

= )

Re: Monday check in - Weekend checks?!

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    edited December 2011
    FI and I finished assembling 140 invitations (only about 15 more to go, I had to print more inserts & now need to cut them) and I finished painting the wagon that our flower girl will ride up in.  This wagon is from when I was a kid that my parents still had and used up north to haul around mulch, rock & tree scraps.  It was pretty beat up but now looks sooooo pretty for our wedding!!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    aabrahams7aabrahams7 member
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    edited December 2011
    FI and I got all of our invitiations out into the mail, to be picked up today, I also had my shower on Saturday. My girls did a wonderful job and we got a lot of nice gifts. I also started figuing out what to get my girls and got them all stationary sets from VP. 4 items each for $4.00...not bad! Annnnnnd because of the storm last night, we have a tree down across our driveway so we both cannot make it to work today. Hopefully FI will get up soon and move it, so we can get on with our day :)
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    newlyseliskinewlyseliski member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I got some wedding stuff sold, went to Bed Bath & Beyond to do registry completion, wandered around Excelsior with my parents and watched Harry Potter movies at my sister and BIL's place with a bunch of friends :)

    FYI to BBB-registered brides... if you can't make it to their registry completion events to get 20% off, you can schedule one on your own time!  We had our gift opening the afternoon of the most recent one, so obviously that wasn't going to work and their next one wasn't until October.  It's way better than the 10% off coupon that they send you in the mail... we saved almost $100!  Plus (like many places)... items don't need to already be on your registry for you to purchase them and use the discount on that trip.
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    SSaltzman87SSaltzman87 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Our officiant sent us a bunch of sample ceremonies to look through, there are parts of several of them that we want to combine into our own ceremony :-)
    <a href="http://www.thenest.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Money Saving Tips"><img src="http://global.thenest.com/tickers/tt17ce82.aspx" alt="Anniversary" border="0"  /></a>

    White Knot

    Planning Bio-Added FOR SALE page, will be adding more stuff to it soon! 
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_minnesota-minneapolis-st-paul_monday-check-weekend-checks?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:81Discussion:ad94fcb5-7bf3-464e-ad42-7da60a1bb0adPost:3409dfec-3326-4b31-9019-c2bfb28c3098">Re: Monday check in - Weekend checks?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]FYI to BBB-registered brides... if you can't make it to their registry completion events to get 20% off, you can schedule one on your own time!  We had our gift opening the afternoon of the most recent one, so obviously that wasn't going to work and their next one wasn't until October.  It's way better than the 10% off coupon that they send you in the mail... we saved almost $100!  Plus (like many places)... items don't need to already be on your registry for you to purchase them and use the discount on that trip.
    Posted by newlyseliski[/QUOTE]

    Ooo, that's good to know, thanks!
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    bemistobebemistobe member
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    edited December 2011
    I cut out 600 paper petals for my fan programs, and started to assemble them. My nieces tried on their flower girl dresses again and they FIT...I thought since they had grown so much that they would be too small. Whew! I put the finish touches on my centerpieces, and am now starting to organize everything for my personal attendants. It was a very productive weekend which I needed since the next two weekends will be filled with showers and bachelorette party!
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    colstj1colstj1 member
    Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Nothing wedding related done this weekend. Instead my mom and I have been planning my cousins bridal shower that will be held this coming Sunday :) We have had a ton of fun buying the prizes, picking out cupcakes and finding small decorations and gifts for the shower. 
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    edited December 2011
    This weekend I ordered my flower girl dresses, they're insanely cute! :)
    Here is a picture.. not sure if I will have them wear the ribbon around the middle though..
    And they'll be in the deep purple like the second picture

    I also printed some e-pics and got my table numbers done!
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    graysquirrelgraysquirrel member
    5 Love Its Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    This weekend was my bach party and shower with my girlfriends. It was AMAZING!!! My MOH planned the  most gorgeous tea party with food from Cupcake and all kinds of tea sandwiches. Then we went clubbing downtown all night. We also found out that one of my friends is expecting baby #2. Such great memories! I will post pics when my friends send them to me. 
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    edited December 2011
    FMS - Those are insanely adorable!!  Great find!!  = )

    Gray - Glad you had such a fun time!  Can't wait to see pics!  = )
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    nordkenordke member
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    edited December 2011
    Got the dreaded seating chart figured out and place cards printed, just have to put them together. Got coloring books for the kids printed off. Not much left on the to-do list, feeling really good about the next 12 days before I get married!!! Tongue out
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    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_minnesota-minneapolis-st-paul_monday-check-weekend-checks?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:81Discussion:ad94fcb5-7bf3-464e-ad42-7da60a1bb0adPost:33c0859d-9449-4562-9b6b-561e54ecbc74">Re: Monday check in - Weekend checks?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]This weekend I ordered my flower girl dresses, they're insanely cute! :) Here is a picture.. not sure if I will have them wear the ribbon around the middle though.. And they'll be in the deep purple like the second picture I also printed some e-pics and got my table numbers done!
    Posted by FutureMrsSheeler[/QUOTE]

    Where did you get those flower girl dresses?!?!  THey are soo cute. They would be perfect for my 1 year old flower girl...but I am having a seamstree make it so I think she could do this.  Thanks!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    Two big checks for me :)
    FI made the rd invitations. Sorry about the picture is not the best.

    I also dyed my crinoline

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    edited December 2011
    FI and I finished 170 invitations, which will be sent out Wednesday morning after I hand cancel them at the post office.  SOOO happy to have those done!  And I also threw a bachelor (yes, for boys) party this Saturday for one of my best friends that was awesome :)


    My Planning Bio Updated 9.2.11
    My New House Bio! Updated 5.8.11
    image 356 Invited image 144 will be there! image 212 missing out image 0 holding up the show

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