Christian Weddings

Struggling - could really use prayer

Hi ladies,

I know I'm on here so sporadically lately, but it's been a really hard year so far, and I am hoping y'all will be my prayer warriors.

I've asked for prayers related to DH's job before, but eveything is even more stressful now. He works with his dad, which is frustrating to begin with. Winter is notoriously slow for construction, but the past three months have just gotten worse and worse. Now DH is not even getting enough hours in during the week to meet our budget (and we live FRUGALLY). We're ok financially because we have money in savings and I have a job too, but DH is really struggling with the entire situation. His dad is really excited about a new business venture, but DH won't get paid for the labor unless the product they're making sells. His dad would rather be in his workshop than working paid gigs. DH comes home and is so tired and sore and so frustrated from working, but not getting paid.  I feel like I'm losing the happy-go-lucky guy I married, and I'm completely helpless. I wish he would just up and quit, but I think he is afraid that he won't find other work that will pay enough. But at this point, even minimum wage would be better than what he gets now.

Sorry, I got long-winded.
CN: DH's job sucks big time and isn't paying the bills, he's depressed, and I feel helpless. Please pray?

Re: Struggling - could really use prayer

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    Prayers coming your way.
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    I'll be praying. I'm sorry!
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    Ash61612Ash61612 member
    5 Love Its First Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited February 2012
    sorry to hear this, this has to be tough! praying.

    could he be afraid to hurt his dad feelings by quitting?
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    So sorry to hear this! Sending hugs and prayers.

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    I'm sorry to hear this.. sending prayers your way. *Hugs*

    Has he considered looking for a new job?
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    Sorry to hear this! I will pray!! 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Struggling - could really use prayer</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm sorry to hear this.. sending prayers your way. *Hugs* Has he considered looking for a new job?
    Posted by SuMmErKuTiE[/QUOTE]

    We've talked about it. The options in our small town are kind of limited, especially for someone with his skill set. But moving to a bigger city would also have it's share of challenges.

    [QUOTE]sorry to hear this, this has to be tough! praying. could he be afraid to hurt his dad feelings by quitting?
    Posted by Ash61612[/QUOTE]

    I know he's afraid of letting his dad down (he's the sole employee for the company besides his dad). He has a bad habit of always putting everyone else ahead of himself, and not letting his own needs be met.

    Thanks for the prayers, ladies. They mean so much right now.
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    I'm so sorry, that stinks.

    My dad has his own company too that I and various siblings have worked at at different points in time and I can see how that would be a tough situation.

    Has he had any frank conversations along these lines with his dad? Something like, "Dad, I love you and I appreciate you supported me growing up, but I have my own family now I need to support and I'm not sure this buisness has enough work to support your family and mine." Is there any way he could be honest that he needs to be looking for another job while he continues to work for his dad?
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    Sorry to hear that.  Praying!!  :(
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