Florida-South Florida

DIY Thursday

Today's DIY post is all about lighting up your wedding with different types of lanterns and lumineries. Both of these can be expensive so why not diy them!

Aluminum Lanterns
  • Decorative aluminum sheets
  • Tin snips, scissors (to cut metal)
  • Ruler or tape measure
  • 20-gauge wire, cut into 6-inch lengths
  • Emery cloth (sandpaper for metal)
  • Krylon black primer (optional)

Step 1: Cut sheeting to desired size strips using tin snips. Use household containers like cylindrical oatmeal boxes and soup cans to figure out the dimensions you want. A 10 x 17-inch piece makes a large lantern; a 4 x 10-inch strip a votive size. Lightly sand any rough edges with emery cloth.

Step 2: Roll the metal strip into a cylinder, using food containers as a mold and overlapping the cut ends slightly. To secure, twist wire through openings in the mesh evenly spaced at the top, bottom and middle along the seam. Depending on size, each lantern will require from two to six pieces of wire. Turn edges of wire to inside of lamp and trim any excess.

Step 3: To finish, spray surface with two coats of black primer, letting it dry in between applications. Or spray primer followed by a coat or two of spray paint in the color of your choice.

Source: http://www.familycircle.com/home/crafts/projects/lanterns/

Lace Vellum Luminaries

To get template and instructions click here http://www.marthastewartweddings.com/226331/lace-vellum-luminarias-clip-art?czone=inspiration/wedding-themes/formal-ideas&center=285523&gallery=230976&slide=104274

Mason Jar Lanterns

You will need:

Mason Jar



A small candle

Sugar crystals in the colour of your choice.


- Wrap wire around the lip of the jar. Make sure it’s beneath the lip so it will stay in place. Snip the wire, leaving enough to secure it properly around the jar.

- Cut a separate 11 inch piece of wire for the handle. Insert the piece under the wire that is around the jar. Twist to secure wire. Repeat with other end of handle.

- Make a small bend in the wire that is around the lip so that the handle will stay in place.

- Tie ribbon or fishing line (make sure its good and strong!!!!)  in desired length to the handle. Pour some sugar crystals into the jar (you can also use sand), then place your candle into the sugar.

Source: http://www.intimateweddings.com/blog/mason-jar-lanterns-diy-wedding-decor/

Luminarie Signs

Click here for what you'll need and instructions - not hard at all!

Decorated Paper Lanterns for Garden Wedding - My fave!

This project is super easy since it requires to glue pieces of flower fabric.

Click here for what you'll need and instructions: http://greenweddingshoes.com/diy-paper-lanterns/

Tissue Covered Luminaries - Good for wedding and home decor

Click here for what you'll need and instructions: http://www.heygorg.com/2011/10/diy-tissue-covered-luminaries.html

October Siggy! Love the Groom's Expression! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Re: DIY Thursday

  • Options
    The decorated, painted lantern is beautiful and really transforms it. I love, love, love the lace vellum luminaries...I really want them for my wedding! :D
  • Options
    Those look so pretty!  I love the aluminum ones and the luminarie signs.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Nov. SoFla Siggy -Fav. Registry Item- Kitchen Aid from my BP!
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