Snarky Brides


It's slow, so I'd thought I'd give a quick update on my BM who all of a sudden was like "Uhhh, I can't come to your shower, even though I have a free ride and accommodations."

FI called her, told her to come.  She did.  We all had a great time.

That's my BM who can't come to the wedding, since she got a Fulbright (She's a biitch, I know.), the WTF BM behind me, and my Man of Honor looking on benevolently.

The champagne punch was a hit.

WTF BM and I hung out last night and had a jolly ol' time, so everything is good between us.  I still have no idea what inspired her to flake out.  Anywho, thanks for talking me off the ledge, peeps.


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    I want to kill you and steal your smile.

    I'm glad you had a great time and that you and WTF BM got to hang out. Did you talk to her about what happened?
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    No, we didn't talk about it.  She can be a flake when she feels like it, but it's never been on this level before.  Normally someone just has to say "WTFBM, really?  You're coming, stop it," and then she does.  Same thing happened here.  If things felt off when we hung out, I definitely would have said something, but there was really no need.

    And I could make you a Sarah mask, so that you could steal the smile, and I can still live.
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    No. The Sarah mask has to be made from real skin and lips.
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    I like bbq.
    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    Would stem cells work to create the mask?  Do stem cells even work that way?  Can we create a twin of me?
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    I had ribs with delicious bbq sauce for dinner. It's ribfest here.
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    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:867accc7-3e76-4372-a9f8-c6284c4b0dbcPost:e311e047-e086-4a42-8a4e-b229007f1e27">Re: WTF BM FU MMMMBBQ</a>:
    [QUOTE]Would stem cells work to create the mask?  Do stem cells even work that way?  Can we create a twin of me?
    Posted by sarahmk5[/QUOTE]

    It's possible,  but I don't think it would be creepy enough.
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