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Feeling bad (kind of long, sorry)

Frist off, I am so glad I found this website. It has so much information and I really like that I can talk to all of you girls to get ideas and advice. Here is what is going on:

My FI and I have been together for almost 5 years. We got engaged last year and I love my life with him. It is the best. My mom is the jealous type. By jealous I mean any time I get close to someone else she doesn't like that person anymore. And makes me feel bad I don't spend enough time with her. Well her and I have had a break through in our relationship and she doesn't so any of that any more and really tries to get along with my FI. My dad on the other hand...ugh! My dad was fine with the FI until we got engaged. Now he keeps saying the FI can he an ass (which he can) and that he thinks he knows it all (which is does do that, but most often he only does it when he really knows it all). Dad had already asked me "if I am making the right decision". I told him that I really love FI and am the happiest I have ever been. And he backed off. He said he was happy for me but he left like he was loosing his little girl.

Now FI and I were planning on visiting dad for an early fathers day June 9th and 10th. He lives 3.5 hours away. I took the time off work and FI was going to drive me (I don't like driving long distances lol). Now dad was like "oh I got us tickets to MMA for me and you when you come, and they are great seats"..... ummmm.... dad what about Nick (FI)? "you didn't say he was coming", was his response. reallly dad?!? I did tell him he was coming! So now I feel sooooo bad that I either have to tell my dad I am not going up there, so I have to tell FI that my dad left him out again.

What would you girls do? I feel so sad for my Fi becuase he is amazing and doesn't deserve to be treated like crap. His mom and dad would NEVER do that to me. Thanks, but I had to vent.
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Re: Feeling bad (kind of long, sorry)

  • OBX2011OBX2011 member
    Fifth Anniversary First Answer 25 Love Its First Comment
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:0b358878-8961-43d1-bdea-641805677aecPost:caa27db1-f4da-47ba-adec-9ddb7aa981ac">Re: Feeling bad (kind of long, sorry)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would go ahead and visit your dad, <strong>still take your fiance with you, and tell your dad that you knew he'd have a better time at the MMA thing with your fiance,</strong> so you've made other plans for that evening.  Male bonding time.  Make sure to tell your dad that your fiance is really looking forward to going with him.
    Posted by LucyHC[/QUOTE]

    Ohhhh, that's a good one ;)


  • lls31lls31 member
    First Comment Combo Breaker
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Feeling bad (kind of long, sorry)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would go ahead and visit your dad, still take your fiance with you, and tell your dad that you knew he'd have a better time at the MMA thing with your fiance, so you've made other plans for that evening.  Male bonding time.  Make sure to tell your dad that your fiance is really looking forward to going with him.
    Posted by LucyHC[/QUOTE]

    <div>I think this is a great idea.</div>
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:0b358878-8961-43d1-bdea-641805677aecPost:caa27db1-f4da-47ba-adec-9ddb7aa981ac">Re: Feeling bad (kind of long, sorry)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would go ahead and visit your dad, still take your fiance with you, and tell your dad that you knew he'd have a better time at the MMA thing with your fiance, so you've made other plans for that evening.  Male bonding time.  Make sure to tell your dad that your fiance is really looking forward to going with him.
    Posted by LucyHC[/QUOTE]

    You are good Lucy.  I am humbled by your awesomeness.  <img src="" border="0" alt="Cool" title="Cool" />
  • Yea I thought the same thing, the guys should go to that and maybe it can be a chance for them to open up and talk in a non confrontational setting. Sometimes when people are watching something else and not awkwardly staring at eachother it makes it less stresfull. All 3 of you guys can go out to dinner before hand and do something special later.
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  • I would tell your FI that Father's Day, especially the very last one before you get married, is a very special time between a father and daughter, and this year your father bought just two tickets for the two of you to do something special that he knows you like too.  So you get in the car yourself with a new CD or something, and you drive the 3.5 hours yourself, and you spend some bonding time with your dad, who is very sad to realize that his little girl is so grown up now that she's getting married.  Parents say they look forward to their kid's wedding, but they really are sad about it too - see Father of the Bride with Steve Martin...
  • LeguLegu member
    25 Love Its First Comment First Anniversary Name Dropper
    I would send FI with dad for the male bonding, but then make a point of you and dad doing something after/the other day, maybe just the two of you go for a meal somewhere or something so he can still have his "little girl" time.
    So, maybe things don't always go as planned... Maybe that's okay. I may be alone for now, but my baby boy is on his way, and I wouldn't change a thing.
  • I would send FI with dad to the MMA also, do dinner before or after as a group and treat yourself to some alone time while the men are bonding.

    Then, plan some alone time with your dad too for the weekend.

    Good luck, it is no fun being stuck between the men in your life.
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