Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Hi Ladies! New here, wanted to say hi and....

Introduce myself and run a ceremony idea by you guys. :) I'm Sarah and I'm engaged, with no date yet and we are sure it will be about 2 years before we can afford to have our wedding. :) We've been together for 3 years now and we have an 8 month daughter together who will be my precious lil flower girl. (FYI, I'm a rotten speller, tend to ramble pointlessly and try my best to be honest, blunt and kind.)
  Ok, so we are 'that couple'. He is a rough around the edges construction worker and I am a hippy, beach bum, stay at home mom and am full of random spontaneousness!
I've been stuck on a beach wedding for as long as I can remember, but now I'm having other, equally awesome ideas!!! What do you think of a wedding at the FL Aquarium? Exchanging vows in front of a huge tropical fish tank? My other ideas are of course, a classic sunset beach wedding, the aquarium, and the odd idea that is totally different that those two is a Disney wedding in front of the castle at night time when it's all lit up! A true fairy tale wedding! Opinions?

Re: Hi Ladies! New here, wanted to say hi and....

  • Would the guests be charged for parking and admission to the aquarium, or would you be able to cover that? I think it's a nifty idea if those would be taken care of.

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  • Congratulations!

    I had a beach wedding last Sept and I wouldn't have done it any other way!  I do love the idea of an aquarium though....that is very different.  I think either would be beautiful.

    You may get a lot more feedback on your Local Board (left side of page), as far as local venues, caterers, photographers, etc. 

    There is also a beach wedding board (under wedding theme, left side) in case you decide to go the beach route.


  • The aquarium sounds like a fun idea. Have you checked to see if they hold weddings there?
  • MrsKathyC, yes, they do hold such events there! I thought it was kinda odd. The thought of a wedding at an aquarium was so cool though I have to look into it more. :) I'm not sure if parking/entrance ect is included.....Thank you bunni727, tha's a really important thing to check. 

    Here is a link to the page if anyone wants to check it out! :

  • I would never go to an aquarium wedding, but only because I am terrified of fish.  Assuming none of your guests are fish hating freaks, I think an aquarium wedding would be really neat! Aquariums feel so other worldly, you could do a lot of really neat, unique things. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Hi Ladies! New here, wanted to say hi and....</a>:
    [QUOTE]I would never go to an aquarium wedding, but only because I am terrified of fish.  Assuming none of your guests are fish hating freaks, I think an aquarium wedding would be really neat! Aquariums feel so other worldly, you could do a lot of really neat, unique things. 
    Posted by Gabrielle76[/QUOTE]

    This, except I'm afraid of water, not fish.  It's definitely a fun idea.  You'd just have to make sure none of your guests have any bizarre phobias of fish or water!

    I prefer the beach idea.  If we had had the money to travel, my H and I would have definitely considered that idea.  Of course, we would have held the ceremony a significant distance from the water's edge...  :)
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  • What is your budget? TO me that would play a role as some of those options are extreme opposites in terms of price for venue. I would set a budget (especially if you have to save for 2 years to have enough), and then see what one falls in that budget best with everything else I might want.

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