Pre-wedding Parties

Bridal Shower

Hi All,

I'm the maid of honor and am trying to do something special for my best friend's bridal shower. I really don't have any experience in organizing parties so I could really use your help.  I hear a lot of people are doing spa parties where they have bathrobes and slippers and do manicure/pedicures for the attendees.  What do you all think of having a spa bridal shower? Any ideas?  Thanks!

Re: Bridal Shower

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    Mmmmm.......I personally wouldn't be  fan of that.  Not all women would want someone else touching their feet, it could get messy and take a lot longer than expected....and a lot of work for the bridal party depending on how many people you have.  Just my 2 cents though.

    Is she having any sort of theme to her wedding?  Is there something that she is really in too?  My BF had a spring garden theme, so we carried that over to her bridal shower and had lace tablecloths from her family members with a collection of 2-3 teapots as centerpieces that either belonged to her family or members of her bridal party.  We did a hat-themed garden party where everyone had to wear a fancy hat of some sort.  She absolutely loved it! 


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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Bridal Shower</a>:
    [QUOTE]Mmmmm.......I personally wouldn't be  fan of that.  Not all women would want someone else touching their feet, it could get messy and take a lot longer than expected....and a lot of work for the bridal party depending on how many people you have.  Just my 2 cents though. Is she having any sort of theme to her wedding?  Is there something that she is really in too?  My BF had a spring garden theme, so we carried that over to her bridal shower and had lace tablecloths from her family members with a collection of 2-3 teapots as centerpieces that either belonged to her family or members of her bridal party.  We did a hat-themed garden party where everyone had to wear a fancy hat of some sort.  She absolutely loved it! 
    Posted by OBX2011[/QUOTE]

    <div>Thank you so much for your feeback OBX2011!  I was thinking along the same lines but I bounched this idea off the other bridesmaids and they were excited about the idea.  I did find a couple of bathrobe companies online and of which has really good prices.  They're called <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.  I'm a little concerned about the quality of their bathrobes.  Has anyone ordered from them before or have any experience with them?</div>
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