
Seamstress Reviews? Hartford/Middlesex County

Hi Ladies:
I'm in need of a seamstress for extensive dress alterations (purchased my dress
2nd hand). I've been to Christie Anne's as well as Flavia's Tailor for estimates. Wondering if any of you have experiences with these tailors, or could recommend someone.
Thank you!

Re: Seamstress Reviews? Hartford/Middlesex County

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    edited December 2011
    I wrote a review for Christie Anne's after I got married. I had a nightmare dress experience with the place I bought it(bridal mall). Christi Anne's, took care of everything in the 4 days that I had left!!!! I mean she was so calm and fantastic and stinking so awesome. She literally saved me from having a major magnificent meltdown. My dress was perfect too at the end. My sister also had her MOH dress altered. She is a size 6, but was pregnant and ordered a size 18, and really only needed a 12, and the took that thing in all those sizes like it was nothing.  I really can not say enough about how fantastic Christie Anne's is. I questioned it too just because of their location, but I was so glad that they handled this for me.
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    kate1030kate1030 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Avoid Flavia's she is AWFUL!! Read my vendor reviews for more info (and that is just the half of it). Seriously AVOID HER. I ended up using Pam who owns Sew Much the Better in Old Saybrook. Hope this helps...
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    edited December 2011
    Thank you ladies so much for your feedback! Very very helpful!
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