September 2013 Weddings

Can you critique our wedding website?

Gonna put it on the STD but I just wanted to make sure it wasn't too over the top for the non wedding obsessed.

It got kinda oops

Thanks for looking, girls :)  Deleted!

***Sept 2013 Jan. Siggy Challange - Bouquet Inspiration!***
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Re: Can you critique our wedding website?

  • it is a little wordy... and I feel it makes some information lost to the reader 
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  • For me, it all looks good. But you may want to tone down some of the About Us section. Its very lengthy and instead of reading it, its just going to be browsed upon and the cuteness factor may not stick.
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  • I agree. The about us section is a pretty big block of text. But other than that the website looks good! I like your picture choices.
    ~*~Sept 2013 Siggy Challange - Then (2005) & Now (2012)~*~
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    Somebody once said, it's the soul that matters. Baby who can really tell, when two hearts belong so well?
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  • edited November 2012
    Looks great! I agree with PP that the About us section is a little long. I got halfway through yours and got bored and moved on.

    Love your Proposal story! So cute!

    Are you putting anything under the Registry stuff for now until you do your registry? (I mean instead of the "under construction" note)?

    We put a note saying that we'd be putting together a registry in the next few months and to check back closer to the wedding date. Its a little nicer than "Under Construction:".

    Other than that looks good!

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  • I think it looks really sweet but I also agree with PP... the About Me/Us section is pretty long. I am not sure that your guests are going to need to know your favorite movies, hobbies, etc.

    I love your Propsal story... so so cute!!!! Also, your pictures look beautiful on the site :)
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    September 2013 Siggy Challenge: Bouquet Inspiration
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  • I agree with the Above. Most of the people coming to the wedding would know about you all ready so the lengthy about us section isn't really needed, is it? 
    Otherwise very nice and well put together!
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  • Thanks guys!  I thought so lol...we are both such story tellers so it ended up getting SO long!  I'm gonna delete the link now so the internet scaries don't stalk us but thanks for looking!!

    ***Sept 2013 Jan. Siggy Challange - Bouquet Inspiration!***
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