North Carolina

Do any Concord/ Charlotte knotties ever get together?

I am just wondering if any Concord/Charlotte Brides to be ever get together and share ideas or attend shows?

Re: Do any Concord/ Charlotte knotties ever get together?

  • In Response to <a href="">Do any Concord/ Charlotte knotties ever get together?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am just wondering if any Concord/Charlotte Brides to be ever get together and share ideas or attend shows?
    Posted by MJAJMami[/QUOTE]

    We've had one GTG recently and I'd love another!
  • Aw that'd be cute!  We could do a monthly get togethers and chat!

    I work at the Mills (and holiday season is coming up, yuck) & go to UNCC!
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  • Yea, I understand a busy schedule. I have two children and work full time at UNCC, so let's try to arrange a get together soon. Maybe on a Friday or something? Who initiated or coordinated the last one?
  • I don't know but I want in!

    PM me
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  • I intitated the last one, we are having another get together tonight at mimis cafe. If you would like to come your more then welcome, its at 6:15. I will be setting one up for the end of each month, this one is kinda short notice. ( sorry) Please feel free to email me Snilwar23ATgmailDOTcom
  • I would love to attend the next one. Problem is I am an out of state bride planning..well TRYING to plan in CLT. I do fly into town once/ month. I need help ladies! :)
  • planning one for jan 20th  in charlotte norhtlake area mimis cafe email me at

    btw Goldencitydreamer you have a pm
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