
To receive or not to receive?

Is anyone doing a receiving line?  180 guest list.  Would it be easier to just walk around to the tables?

Re: To receive or not to receive?

  • we're not doing a recieving line and our guest list is only 100.  we'll make time to go around and thank everyone.
  • Amanda1443994Amanda1443994 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Love Its
    edited June 2012
    We're expecting about 150 people and we'll be doing both a receiving line and walking around tables at the reception. I def. don't think a receiving line is necessary if you are going around to tables at the reception, though. We're only doing both because in my circle of family or friends, it has always been customary to.
    "Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are."
  • Mona8Mona8 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    We had 160 guests and did not do a receiving line. I'm glad we didn't. I think it would have taken too much time since we went around to tables at the reception.
  • We are going to do both. We have a gap between the cemerony and the reception, so we figure why not cut a little time for our guest and do a receiving line. We weren't going to go around to the tables, but at the last few weddings we have gone to the bride and groom didn't go around and it felt weird not to have any contact with them. FI really wants to go to the tables because of this so we are now. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • 200 guest list here and we are not doing a receiving line.  We will walk around to the tables.
  • We are expecting about 230 guests and I am not sure if we are going to do a receiving line or not...still debating.
  • We are having 130 guests, full mass at 10:00, cocktail hour  starts at noon.  We are planning on doing a receiving line and going around to tables.  This is provided that it is not raining, since they only do receiving lines outside at my church!
  • We had about 150 guests and did a receiving line- just with my husband and I though (not parents, bridesmaids, groomsmen)... It actually went pretty fast AND not everyone went to the Church. We also walked around to tables.
  • kls114kls114 member
    Tenth Anniversary 5000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:65Discussion:0f6017b6-1092-4146-96b9-1ea84500f4cdPost:78590efb-9c70-4b01-8786-ef3caeb63164">Re: To receive or not to receive?</a>:
    [QUOTE]We're expecting about 150 people and we'll be doing both a receiving line and walking around tables at the reception. I def. don't think a receiving line is necessary if you are going around to tables at the reception, though. We're only doing both because in my circle of family or friends, it has always been customary to.
    Posted by Amanda1443994[/QUOTE]

    Ditto! We did both in record time with 150+ guests at church & 300+ at the reception! It can be done! :)
    **Password: kls114**
  • We are not doing a receiving line - we will be doing table visits. 
  • We are Doing a receiving line. Our JOP said it would be faster than going to each table. You don't have to stand there and talk forever. Just congrats and move on. She said it would take 1520 minutes for 120 people. If you don't have a JOP yet we are using Sara Carson. She is amazing!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I can't decide! We don't have a lot of time in between the ceremony and reception and I kind of want to get my pictures done during that time. I think we'll end up going to tables.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We just went around to tables for 170 guests, as a receiving line would have taken away from our picture time

  • We're planning on going around to the tables and not doing a receiving line. If I thought doing the receiving line would mean we wouldn't have to go around to the tables, I'd do that instead, but I think people will be upset if I don't see them at the reception too.

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