Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Walking down the aisle, father/daughter dance,don't know what to do...

My father & I havent had the greatest relationship and never will. So the whole father walking his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day, is not going to be happening on mine. Soooo, I need a little help, well not help but advice :-) on what to do. I like the fact that at some weddings the brides walk down the aisle alone, and the groom meets her half way then walks the rest of the way w/ her. Same goes with the father/ daughter dance...I don't want to take the mother/son dance away from my fiance, that just wouldnt be right & I don't want to do that. But I don't want to have a dance w/ my father for example: 4 minutes, I just can't do it. So i dont and have no clue what to do, and my fiance doesnt either :-( 

Thankk you :-)
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Re: Walking down the aisle, father/daughter dance,don't know what to do...

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    You can do the walk down the aisle alone halfway and then have your groom meet you, you can have your mom walk you down(which is happening more and more), you can walk down completely by yourself, you can walk down with your mom and dad (so it wont be so miserable for you and he can still feel apart of things. As far as the dance goes, you can not do the daughter/father dance at all Frown or you can dance with him for at least two minutes and then switch to your husband. After those two minutes with your husband, you can then let your husband segway into dancing with his mom! Two minutes shouldn't hurt as much as four minutes Wink

    P.s. think of it this way, some brides would kill to have that dance or special moment with their dad, so try to make the best of those few minutes while you still have the opportunity to do so! Hope this helps

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     You can start a new tradition and dance with your fiance dad and he dances with your mom. Its very original
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    I too have had a difficult relationship with my father, however decided on having both parents walk me down the aisle to allow him some participation.  Also I decided the father/daughter song be a fast moving salsa number so it isn't so uncomfortable to dance together. 

    If is really that difficult don't stress yourself out, walk by yourself or with your mom and skip the dance.  Enjoy YOUR day.
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    I was having the same problem! But I decided to have my older brother to\\ walk me down the isle because he was there for me more than my father was.So, if you have a brother, maybe have him walk you down! Maybe for the dance, dance with your fiance's father, or with a father figure?Good luck!
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    I think dancing or walking with a "replacement dad" could cause drama that isn't necessary if you are ok with skipping those things all together.  I am in the same boat as you and came to the conclusion that I didn't need to be hurtful to my dad in order to spare my feelings.  You had it exactly right with your original post...walk down alone or with your fiance meeting you halfway and skip the daddy daughter dance altogether.  That way you're not being fake, but you're not rubbing your dad's nose in the fact that you're using a stand in for those events.  I really like the post about leading your brand new husband to his mom after the first dance and then eating dinner immediately after.  In fact, I'm thinking about stealing that play for myself!  LOL!
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