June 2012 Weddings


Anyone having to clean out their FI childhood room before the big day?

So FI lives on his own but apparently has a shrine to his childhood and early college years at his parents home. We were there this weekend and I mentioned to his mom when should we clean out his old room. She says um like yesterday! She wants to make it into an office. Sounds great to me as I liken myself to Niece Nash of Clean House!! He plans to move in with me once we're married. But based on the 'wonderfulness' of this shrine we will need to dig in asap to have it cleaned in the next couple of months. Oh and bonus there is an annex to 'the shrine' in their basement!! Pray for me!!:-)
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Re: Merging..

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    DrPB2b13DrPB2b13 member
    First Comment
    edited March 2012
    Wow!  I guess I'm lucky; FI's family moved across the state right after he finished HS, so while he lived with them after he graduated college he doesn't really have a room there, he just stayed in one of their guest rooms until he found a job.  And when my mother discovered that things with FI were likely going to be permanent, she gladly disassembled my entire room so my brother could move into it instead.  Aside from picking up boxes of my stuff, there's nothing left for us to do there.

    Good luck, that sounds like quite the chore!
    Mrs. Abbe Peanut Butter || Planning Bio
    June 2012 February Signature: Favorite picture of you & FI
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    My room is to remain a shrine for life.  I was a very important child, with lots of really important awards and trophies littering my room.  (Graduated from Magic Years, it's like the Harvard of preschools)

    Good luck, and post any awesome childhood pictures of your FI here.  
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    Lol niice Meg!! Maybe that's why my guy isn't ready to clean out his room!!

    Here's my cute, the FI!
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    FI's parents literally moved his mattress out of the room less than a week after he moved in with me. There's an empty bed frame in there. He clearly was not a golden child. When we visit its sofa city. Have I mentioned I hate visiting?

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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_june-2012-weddings_merging?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20Club%20BoardsForum:3ae4d68d-f10a-4dec-8810-da13c14a7b86Discussion:4eeb6723-24a0-416d-9768-8bc050698c97Post:12e2974c-80e2-470a-b08e-984f56c8135e">Re: Merging..</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>My room is to remain a shrine for life.  I was a very important child, with lots of really important awards and trophies littering my room.  </strong>(Graduated from Magic Years, it's like the Harvard of preschools) Good luck, and post any awesome childhood pictures of your FI here.  
    Posted by Megbo2012[/QUOTE]

    I was also a Very Important Child!  My shrine was actually in the hallway, outside of my sister's room.  It would have stayed forever and ever, but I showed up last year and took all of my trophies.  Without something shiny to worship, my mother decided the rest of it wasn't worth keeping ;)
    Mrs. Abbe Peanut Butter || Planning Bio
    June 2012 February Signature: Favorite picture of you & FI
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    Elizabeth I see your cute FI (who looks Swiss/Austrian?) and raise you...recspecs!

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    My parents will leave our rooms as is. We already did FIs. It made me really mad because they made us pack up all of his stuff before he deployed and move it to the basement. They turned his room to a guest room and replaced the mattress and everything once he left
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    I still have some stuff left at my parent's house since when I moved out for college I took the essential things I would need.  Now it's just a lot of little things that I try to go through and pack up when we visit our parents.  I am just determined to not be like my older sisters who moved out and left like over half their stuff behind.  My little sister and I had to deal with going through all of the stuff they left behind and it was such a pain!  Hopefully I'll have it all out by the time our wedding comes around!
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    I've lived with FI since October 2010 and I still have stuff in my old room.  My mom keeps telling me to clean it out and I told her I haven't that stuff for over a year, I probably don't need it.

    My brother moved out in May of that year (I lived at my beach house from June-August) so I wasn't really home either.  I took my bed and left my tv and my brother did the opposite.  My mom turned my bedroom into her craft room and put my tv in my brother's bedroom to make a complete bedroom. 

    My aunt is supposedly staying over there the night before the wedding, but she better let me have the bedroom and she can sleep on the futon in the family room!
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    Fi and I will both have to clean out our rooms. At least downsize our "junk" so that it can be a guest room!

    I am afraid of finding old notes and gifts from boyfriends in my room. I kept EVERYTHING throughout high school. Not looking forward to cleaning out my room at all.
    "Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
    --St. Catherine of Siena
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    Alli I had a boyfriend box.  It went in the garbage haha
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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_june-2012-weddings_merging?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding%20Club%20BoardsForum:3ae4d68d-f10a-4dec-8810-da13c14a7b86Discussion:4eeb6723-24a0-416d-9768-8bc050698c97Post:fb324ff7-691f-4be3-8cb2-903619324607">Re: Merging..</a>:
    [QUOTE]Alli I had a boyfriend box.  It went in the garbage haha
    Posted by Megbo2012[/QUOTE]

    Haha. Yes. This will be happening. I haven't even looked at it all since HS. I am sure it's full of awkward "I Love You's" and random gifts....For easter, my first boyfriend got me 3 plastic eggs that said on each Egg: I. Iove. You. I had no idea Easter was a time to get gifts from your signifigant other? Ha. I'm pretty sure I thought it was SOOO cute when I was 16, though, and the eggs are still in that box. haha.
    "Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
    --St. Catherine of Siena
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    I just finally cleaned out my room at my parents' house this past fall! Both my older sister and my's rooms were HUGE shrines. Completely untouched until our weddings (sister's was 2 years ago). Sister's room was then turned into a guest room, not sure what mine will be turned into- another guest room or work-out room. It was actually pretty easy for me to be able to go through everything and toss 90% of it. We kept the good keepsakes and awards and they're in my parents' storage unit. I'm sure we won't take those until we have a house with storage of our own. 

    As for FI, thank god FMIL threw out all their kids' stuff as soon as they went to college, so we don't have to worry about having to find room for his stuff too.
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    Yeah, I've been cleaning my own room but FI has been on his own for a while now. No childhood room to search through.

    I don't know what my family plans on doing with my room after I'm gone and I don't really care. I won't be living there anymore so they can do whatever they want with it. I know that my bed and one of my dressers will be left behind because we have no use for a twin size bed and my long dresser most likely will not fit at the apartment.
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    We've been living together for almost three years now and every time we visit parents they always try to send more crap home with us.  I don't have a room at my parents anymore ... it's now a work-out room with a tv.  FI still has a room at home, but it's pretty much a guest room at this point.  Not much of his stuff is still there.  Most of our stuff still with our parents are in the basements.
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    I saved every barbie, Polly Pocket, doll, dance costume, Fisher Price kitchen appliance - I was a little hoarder at age 12. My stuff takes up a large area of my parents attic, so I've been going threw stuff for a long time!

    As for my room, I got a new bedroom suit when I was a senior in high school, which will now become FI and mine's furniture in our new house. Although he's adamant about getting a king bed, which is fine. My old furniture from when I was little will go back into my room at home. I think my mom plans on painting it though,

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    FI doesn't have too much stuff in his childhood room. Just some old pictures and trophies. His sister's been married for 10 years and she still has a room. 

    My room is actually a different story. After my parents divorced my mom had to get a much smaller place, so I had to take a lot of my stuff then. She just moved into a much bigger townhouse and I'm bringing her stuff back and all my other stuff (and her stuff) is out of storage. I'm pretty sure as long as she's able, I'll have a room of my own (as will my brother) at her house.
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    Neither of us have lived in our parents' homes in over 15 years.  I *think* mine have my varsity jacket (I told them to send it to Goodwill) and my doll collection (I was a Madame Alexander fan when I was really young) in the basement, but I could be wrong.

    I took care of cleaning everything out when I was in grad school.  It feels good to give them back the space that they gave to me for so many years.  I think it's cute that my mother sits at my old desk when she carefully types out her emails.  :)
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    I dread cleaning out my room at my parents' house. I'm leaving Thursday to go visit them for a week and a half during my spring break - but I have so much wedding stuff and school stuff to do that I'm never going to have time to clean it all out!
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    We luckily won't have to do this.  We live together and our former rooms have already been converted.
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    Lol! He totally looks Swiss! But he is German boy through and through with some French somewhere in there. His great grandparents came over from Germany.

    Omg the picture of your fiance is awesome!!!! Love it!!

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    [QUOTE]Elizabeth I see your cute FI (who looks Swiss/Austrian?) and raise you...recspecs!  
    Posted by Megbo2012[/QUOTE]
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    @ Zim - Wow I understand cleaning things out but that's really quick:/

    @Alli- This is my FI!! He has gifts from old gf's and pics to pitch.

    @Ncd- I was a major hoarder too and still am in some ways. Fortunately, I took most things with me when I moved out after college. I  literally have a trash bag full of t shirts I was given or bough while on trips through school or with the youth groups I've worked with over the years. I dread going through my things when FI moves his things in. Because all my things have 'sentimental value' of course lol

    @KelseyJK- I hear you! I hope we finish before the wedding but there's a big chance we won't and will be finishing up after the wedding.
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    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/wedding-club-boards_june-2012-weddings_merging?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Wedding Club BoardsForum:3ae4d68d-f10a-4dec-8810-da13c14a7b86Discussion:4eeb6723-24a0-416d-9768-8bc050698c97Post:d85c88c8-4973-41ab-a603-8f9420a58b08">Re: Merging..</a>:
    [QUOTE]We luckily won't have to do this.  We live together and our former rooms have already been converted.
    Posted by MMRoberts11[/QUOTE]

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