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Father of the Bride Issue..

Okay so my Mom and Dad were divorced when I was young and I lived with my mom full time and only got to see my dad a handfull of summers growing up, even though I rarely saw him my twin and I always knew who he was we talked on the phone all the time there were just health issues and other issues that prevented us from being able to see him as much as he would like. My Mother has since remarried and he doesn't care for or want to be around my mother's side or my step dad (who i haven't always had the best relationship with but mostly because I was a rebelious teenager but we get along awesome now) of the family at all. Its deeper than that but in a nutshell that's a bit of the history.

Anywho, I was talking to him yesterday and he asked where we were having it and I told him my Aunts house, and he said, oh well I hope you take some good pictures to send to me. And basically told me he would not be coming. And I am so dreading telling my family, I don't even know why. I just don't know I'm hurt and disapointed. I always figured he would be there because he's my dad. I guess I just needed to like vent. I don't want him to regret not coming either, and when I told him that I would be inviting his side of the family he just told me how they werent close and that my and my sister are his family, but if that were true then why isn't he coming. Idk. I'm just really bummed I suppose :/
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Re: Father of the Bride Issue..

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    edited December 2011
    So sorry he's making you feel this way...

    I can't believe people, GROWN ADULTS, make people choose.  Can't they just suck it up for a few hours for the sake of the person getting married?!?!  It's not like you have to seat them together, or even talk to the person they hate AT ALL that day.
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    I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this.

    Have you actually talked to him?  Told him how much it would mean to you for him to be there?   I'm not sure what dad could say no to a daughter who laid it out like that.   I know there's a lot going on in this situation that I don't understand, but I would think that he would set his feelings asside for half a day to see you get married.
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    Yeah I told him that it would pretty much ruin my day if he weren't there. Who knows though its next year, so maybe something will happen from now until then to make him change his mind. 
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    I think you have the right to tell him ONCE that you want him to be there and that it hurts you that he is considering not coming to something this important to you and you wish he'd reconsider.

    After that, deal with his choice.  Keep in mind, EVERYONE is going to be on your side of this porblem...even if they're glad he's not coming they will all apologize to you for him not coming and try to make you feel better.  (Or, at least, everyone should).  I undertsand not liking the situation, but none of it is your fault.  You shouldn't feel afriad to tell others that he may not come.

    And, you can always still invite him and hope for the best. 
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    Yeah, I'm not as upset as I was before, I probably should have seen it coming. But its his loss. I still have my stepdad who has been with my mom since I was 7 so thats a plus. I just hope he doesn't regret it down the road, and it sucks for my sister too because he probably won't go to her wedding either, but that won't be for a long time she isn't anywhere near ready to get into all this jazz :) but I hope he does come around for her so he can at least participate in one of the two.

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    yeah. It does sound pretty unfortunate but you know, it may be just one of those things that works together. Since he was sort of distance all your life, its probably the  best way. It's fortunate though, that you have your stepfather to walk you down the aisle.
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