You have me googling "negative urine pregnancy test, positive blood test" and you have me at home FREAKING OUT instead of enjoying my sick day off... thanks much..
oh no she did NOT try to put my ass on full blast!!. Obdamjection your honor!! mari told you exactly what I started to say: forget about peeing on a stick. the knocked up hormone is in your blood. lil wayne steady layin up in the cut, watch. and um, mari's a NURSE so. there.
call bff's mom and gitcho behind in the lab, stat.
hmmp. all up in your feelings on a friday - yeah you're not pregs at all. LOL!!
She wont be able to give me the free-bee hook up till monday, so, no drinking this weekend just in case. My medical insurance starts in NOV. So if its a pos, I'll be heading to the doc & pay cash for 1st prenatal. if its a neg, I'll wait till nov to see if aunty flo comesor not. standard of care for missed period is 1. rule out pregnancy. 2. wait.... smh
In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:b5984549-18d7-4939-9620-db7843088f27Post:f18a2c87-9af0-4ca3-821b-83b86f6b491f">Re: Sultryzulu.... smh...y?</a>: [QUOTE]She wont be able to give me the free-bee hook up till monday, so, no drinking this weekend just in case. My medical insurance starts in NOV. So if its a pos, I'll be heading to the doc & pay cash for 1st prenatal. if its a neg, I'll wait till nov to see if aunty flo comesor not. <strong>standard of care for missed period is 1. rule out pregnancy. 2. wait.... smh </strong>Posted by RealHappyGal[/QUOTE]
UMMM...i NEVER LEARNED THAT IN ANY OF MY NURSING BOOKS.. Soooo I see we're making up our own rules now.. lol... that's cool.. whatever gets you through..
And.. thanks for not realizing it was me and giving Sultry the
In Response to <a href="">Re: Sultryzulu.... smh...y?</a>: [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Sultryzulu.... smh...y? : UMMM...i NEVER LEARNED THAT IN ANY OF MY NURSING BOOKS.. Soooo I see we're making up our own rules now.. lol... that's cool.. whatever gets you through.. And.. thanks for not realizing it was me and giving Sultry the Posted by nursing2u[/QUOTE]
leeb her lone girl, she got mommy brain. LOLOLOL!!!
Mari, U know right and strait that any doc office I go fussing in right now that Im a mighty 12 days late is gonna tell me to wait to see if I get my period next month after ruling out pregnancy. There is now dx that can be made from 2weeks late. U cant even really call that an irregular period... its a "missed" period. Im going to have to atleast be a full month behind before anyone even starts talking fsh/lh and all that junk. Besides, Im only 31 so its waaaay to early for menopause. Im not making it up
In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:b5984549-18d7-4939-9620-db7843088f27Post:51e50069-63f8-4b45-9a9f-d17e1abaadde">Re: Sultryzulu.... smh...y?</a>: [QUOTE]mind rewind: you're married to a doctor, are you really gonna make say it? Posted by sultryzulu[/QUOTE]
I dont want him to write me the script. If I do it on his script, the results will go to his office, for all the nurses to knwo his personal (well my personal) business.
Re: Sultryzulu.... smh...y?
call bff's mom and gitcho behind in the lab, stat.
hmmp. all up in your feelings on a friday - yeah you're not pregs at all. LOL!!
[QUOTE]She wont be able to give me the free-bee hook up till monday, so, no drinking this weekend just in case. My medical insurance starts in NOV. So if its a pos, I'll be heading to the doc & pay cash for 1st prenatal. if its a neg, I'll wait till nov to see if aunty flo comesor not. <strong>standard of care for missed period is 1. rule out pregnancy. 2. wait.... smh
</strong>Posted by RealHappyGal[/QUOTE]
UMMM...i NEVER LEARNED THAT IN ANY OF MY NURSING BOOKS.. Soooo I see we're making up our own rules now.. lol... that's cool.. whatever gets you through..
And.. thanks for not realizing it was me and giving Sultry the
[QUOTE]In Response to Re: Sultryzulu.... smh...y? : UMMM...i NEVER LEARNED THAT IN ANY OF MY NURSING BOOKS.. Soooo I see we're making up our own rules now.. lol... that's cool.. whatever gets you through.. And.. thanks for not realizing it was me and giving Sultry the
Posted by nursing2u[/QUOTE]
leeb her lone girl, she got mommy brain. LOLOLOL!!!
chile, bye!
Mari, U know right and strait that any doc office I go fussing in right now that Im a mighty 12 days late is gonna tell me to wait to see if I get my period next month after ruling out pregnancy. There is now dx that can be made from 2weeks late. U cant even really call that an irregular period... its a "missed" period. Im going to have to atleast be a full month behind before anyone even starts talking fsh/lh and all that junk. Besides, Im only 31 so its waaaay to early for menopause. Im not making it up
[QUOTE]mind rewind: you're married to a doctor, are you really gonna make say it?
Posted by sultryzulu[/QUOTE]
I dont want him to write me the script. If I do it on his script, the results will go to his office, for all the nurses to knwo his personal (well my personal) business.