
Need to get my Dress Steamed/Pressed - HELP!

Hi ladies!

I'll be flying in for my wedding in austin and carrying my dress on the plane with me. I know I'll need to have it professionally steamed/pressed once I get here. Does anyone have any recommendations as far as where to get this done?

Thank you!!

Re: Need to get my Dress Steamed/Pressed - HELP!

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    edited December 2011
    go see Sue at Classy Concepts. She is amazing!!!
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    edited December 2011
    EmKay, I will also be flying to Austin with my dress for both bridal portraits and later the wedding. I just realized the other day that I need to figure out the multiple pressing issue. If you find that Sue or anyone else does a good job, please post and let me know! Thanks!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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