Florida-South Florida

Huge Check! ***Added PIP****

I got my dress!!!  It was actually the 2nd dress I ever tried on and I left a deposit then but after watching Say Yes to the Dress, I started second guessing my choice and got my deposit back.  I've tried on 15-18 dress since then and nothing compared to that second dress.  I finally went back today and tried it back on and it is THE ONE.  I love it!!  And I know I will not have regrets  I'm so happy!!  I'll post pictures once my mom downloads them.


The dress is from David's Bridal.  I thought I wanted a more elaborate dress with lots of beading and details but nothing felt more like me than this simple dress.  Its classic and perfect for me.  I plan on losing at least 15lbs so it will look alot better than it does now.  Thanks for letting me share :)


Re: Huge Check! ***Added PIP****

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