Florida-South Florida


what do you confess???????/

I confess:

1. WORK IS CRAZY!!!!!! I'm supposed to leave at 11 AM today and off tomorrow and Friday but I'm worried that won't happen. We are so busy. I'm reaaally needing a brazillian waxing and I'm supposed to go this afternoon, eeeeek! lol

2. I haven't slept well the past three days. I blame my cats.

3. I am mailing my invitations 3 months in advance (this is one week sooner then I had originally planned) and I can't wait. January 24th baby!!

4. I can't wait to celebrate NYE but it's supposed to snow - if it's bad, I'm not going anywhere except my sofa. I'm equally hoping this happens. ;)

5. I love how many people have read my blog - it's becoming my new addiction!!!

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Re: CONFESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    cekdancercekdancer member
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    edited December 2011
    I'm with you on the work thing. Im at work right now... I started at 7am. But I'll get off at 2pm and be done until Sunday!

    Ok my 8:21am Confessions:

    -- I can't wait for FI to get home. We are both originally from FL but live in NYC and I had to come back before him due to work so he gets back tomorrow at 6pm. I can't wait! I've slept 3 nights alone so far.

    -- I'm starting to get stressed out with the planning process. Im looking for a florist and I can't find one cheap enough. FI and I are starting to consider alternatives to flowers for centerpieces.......

    -- Two days ago I became SOOOOOO excited to be married to Matt. I had that silly smile the whole day.

    -- I've recently become a fan of Lady Gaga.
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    edited December 2011
    A, Lady Gaga is my favorite. When I work out, I turn off Jillian Michaels voice and work out to Lady Gaga!

    B, I live in Philly :) We are northern neighbors!!

    C, you can try my florist! Forget Me Not Flowershop - she's awesome.
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    JillianLLJillianLL member
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    edited December 2011
    Work is also so crazy for me. So much to do, so little time. I am supposed to get out of work tomorrow at noon, but I am thinking of taking the day off if I can bc an old friend is in Miami and I really want to see him before he leaves.

    Since I decided I am doing B-Pics with Amy, its all I can think about. I'm nervous, wtf?

    I think its too cold here right now. Even 5 degrees warmer would be nice. I never thought I'd be cold in 70 degrees, the Jersey girl in me is ashamed. I am a true Floridian now.

    All I want to eat for lunch every day is a Chipotle salad, but they're like $8!!

    Ok, back to work. Going with my boss to the closing on ANOTHER apartment he bought on Palm Beach. Oh to be rich...

    Photobucket Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    edited December 2011

    Jillian, it's freezing!  If I could wear gloves and a snow cap and get away with it, I totally would.

    1.  I confess, I still hate my job (get used to this confession girls, I'm sure you'll hear it every wednesday).

    2.  I'm so nervous about the FI looking for a new job, today is his last day before the company closes and the way everything is right now I don't know how long it will be before he finds another.

    3.  I've been late to work for the past 3 days because I can't seem to wake up, probably because I can't seem to sleep at night... ugh!  Nerves :(

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    edited December 2011
    hi ladies!

    1. i confess that i've written a confession already and deleted it. I was worried at what the response would be. but... its confessions wednesday!

    2. I confess that my MIL is making my life miserable. My mom doesn't want me to get married because of his Mom. I just don't get her point of view, and trust me i've tired my hardest to understand it. Its been a really rough week. I even left their house the other week.. and left him there. I refused to go back :(

    3.  I started "bridal bootcamp" yesterday. I can hardly move today.  I feel good though. I'll be 25 in two weeks and have never had the body i've liked.. heres to my best body yet.

    4. I confess that I got FI givenchy cologne purely so i could sniff him constantly. 

    Sorry this one was a downer. boooooooo  Tongue out
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    edited December 2011
    I confess:
    I- havent been on here as much as i would like. I am obsessed with trying to make my guest book on blurb and it has taken over my life, yet I dont even like the one I made!
    -I confess that work is making me crazy. I am so ready for a 3-day weekend that involves me staying home and sleeping.
    -Fi went to see Phish last night and I slept so crappy that I barely slept..what am I going to do next year if hes healthy and traveling for baseball.
    -My FSIL and FC(ousin)INL are the meanest rudest people I have ever met. They treat their families like crap and FCIL actually had the decenscy to ask me what she was going to do with HER kid for our adult- only reception! Crazy..NOT MY PROBLEM!
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    twinkle82576twinkle82576 member
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    edited December 2011
    Court: you must be so super excited to send those invites out. I know I would be.

    Dancer: I LOVEEE Lady Gaga!

    Jill: I'm freezing. Today, I put on leggings, skinny jeans on top of that, a tank top. a long sleeve shirt on top of that, and my boots. And then a sweater and scarf when I left the house. But I keep telling myself, I have to get used to this, I wanna move up north.

    Tiff: I'm with you on the job confessions. But I got tired of confessing the same thing every week. Lol.

    I Confess:

    1. I don't want to do anything for NYE. I don't even want to leave the house. I want to stay home and clean my room.

    2. I secretly want to call off the wedding. Cry I'm so freaking stubborn, I told FI that if I can't have at least a semblance of the wedding I want, then I don't want any wedding at all. And because we're trying to buy a house, spending so much on the wedding I want is really selfish of me... so it really makes me not want to do anything. What's so wrong with going to the courthouse?

    3. I'm thinking of not coming in to work tomorrow. I have to work on Sat. anyway.
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    edited December 2011

    I totally understand. I won't give up getting married in the church and its causing world war 3. blah. I think its hard to think we could or are possibly giving up a little girl dreams.
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    edited December 2011
    Confession, I'm super close to the wedding and haven't done ANY wedding stuff at all lately. II've been totally consumed with my new house and then this week with going to 4 PHISH shows. I'm so bad.  need ot get on the ball or I'm going to be one stressed out bride!
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    twinkle82576twinkle82576 member
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    edited December 2011
    Veronica: Yep, it's def. about not wanting to settle on that childhood vision... or not settle completely at least. FI and I got into a huge fight yesterday about spending so much on an event that at the end of the day, will be over in one night. I understand his perspective, and buying the house is more important not only to him, but me as well. But the way I see it, I'd rather not spend any money at all and not do anything, than still spend a few thousand and do something that wasn't what I wanted.
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    edited December 2011
    Twinkle: There is nothing wrong with the court house!  Trust me, Dan and I have considered it many times.  I secretly consider it daily.  I feel the same way, like nothing is going to go my way.  I've even had dreams that he leaves me before the wedding.  :(
    It's all going to work out, you'll see. You're going to get the house of your dreams and a beauitful wedding!!! 
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    Lacey36Lacey36 member
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    edited December 2011
    Courtney & CEKDANCER-I love lady gaga too haha, her newest song bad romance stupid addiction lol.

    Jillian-Im in love with the weather although the past two nights freezing!! lol

    Tiff-GL to your FI job search.

    xVWx-GL on the bridal bootcamp, ::cheers to hot bods:: =)

    Karen-ooo cant wait to hear about the guest book comes out.

    Stephanie-aww I hope things work out girl, you will have everything you wanted for your wedding.

    Jaime-your sooo close yay!!

    My confessions.....

    1. sad to leave back to st. maarten in 3 days time has flown.

    2. I have not weighed myself since I left st. maarten, i hope i didnt gain this season haha

    3. Had a fall out with one of my BM's last night. =(

    4. my NY's resolution is to start WW and to stick to it!!

    My Bio Photobucket Number Invited 152 image Number Attending 109 image Number Declined 43 image Number Not Replied 0 image RSVP Date June 30th Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    I want to re do my bpics with my photog but cant justify spending more $$ esp when I won the first set. But I love my photog's work more. Grrr.

    I am worried that the lawyer we hired wont catch the truck that hit me.

    My friggen pins aren't coming out today like they were supposed to and I am really annoyed.

    I want my Christmas decorations down already. I was so excited to have them up and I am so every my house cluttered with decorations
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    edited December 2011
    Stephanie- There is NOTHING wrong with the courthouse. I guess this is my confession. My FI and I went to the courthouse in August and got legally married. Our "wedding" is in March. Since I haven't been able to get a job teaching, I haven't had insurance for the past 2+ years. I had some expensive doctor appointments coming up and really needed the insurance, because I couldn't afford to pay out of pocket. So we went to the courthouse and are now officially married. It was the best decision for us. Some people hate that we did it and refuse to accept it, but others understand and are happy for us. Whatever, it's our life and we're happy with the decision we made.
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    edited December 2011
    AHEM!! Freezing? Yea, we had 14 degree weather last night. It was brutal.  :)

    I'm going to confess on this seperate confession (don't HURT ME) that I went back and gave RK Bridal business.  : (   I can't believe I did this. They did me dirty and I went back in order to get a discount for my BMS. Ugh! At least I didn't buy my wedding dress from there, right?

    AND I've been back in person, with my sister...and I saw the witch that must have come here and posted. : /   I was kind of hiding.
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    edited December 2011
    I confess that I'm nervous that my ladies aren't getting their dresses on time. I went out of my way to arrange discounts for them at RK Bridal but now they need a rush delivery. Oh well, they're still saving something.

    I'm not sure I like how the handmade NYC table numbers are coming out. This has to be perfect - it's my wedding. I can't do crafts and have them come out sloppy
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    twinkle82576twinkle82576 member
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    edited December 2011
    Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I'm not really going to go to the courthouse and get married... at least not any time soon. I'm just frustrated with how much money everything is costing.
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    edited December 2011
    I confess....

    I just worked out for the first time in weeks!!  58 mins of JM cardio and my butt is seriously kicked.Embarassed

    I want a bb or pellet gun to keep the iguanas from pooping on the dock at our new house! Yell

    Poor Fi's hairline is considered "vanishing wildlife" he says he's tried everything and given up and he's pretty sensitive about the subject. A friend of mine suggested some pills from her spa  to help... soo I've been secretly adding them to his vitamins. Yikes!Innocent
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    jennej24jennej24 member
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    edited December 2011
    I confess
    1. I have been super stressed lately, but things seem to be turning around.
    2. I have to try really hard not to get mad at my FI when he works late or weekends, I know he doesn't want to be there either, but it is hard not to feel like he would rather work than spend time with me (even though I know that is completely untrue)
    3. I am still very nervous about my invitations and that they won't get done in time,
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    michy22michy22 member
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    edited December 2011
    alpine- omg ... LMAO! your poor FI is going to sprout all this random hair and he is going to be all confused....
    Michelle & Julio
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    edited December 2011
    LOL I know right?  Anyhow, this consumer reports no sprouts yet :) 
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    twinkle82576twinkle82576 member
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    edited December 2011
    Alpine: LOL at your secret hair pills. That totally reminds me of that episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians where Kris slips those sex pills into Bruce's coffee.
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