African American Weddings

Knottie of the Week - CaramelBride973

1. First Name & Fiance's First Name

2. Your Birthday & Age and Fiance's Birthday and Age

3. City Born In?

4. City Live in?

5. Where did you go to college?

6. What was your major?

7. What is your current job?

8. What is your dream job?

9. How did you and your fiance meet?

10.  When did you get engaged and how did he do it??

11. When is the Wedding Day?

12. Where is the ceremony and reception?

13. What are your wedding colors?

14. Where are you honeymooning?

15. Favorite wedding vendor so far?

16. Biggest wedding splurge?

17. What is something you wish you could have at the wedding but don't?

18. Another knottie wedding you'd like to attend?

19. Favorite book?

20. Favorite movie?

21. Favorite tv show?

22. Favorite wedding dress designer?

23. Any advice you can give?

24. Anything you wish you could change about your wedding?

25. Share something about yourself!
AAW June 2011 Siggy Challenge : "Daddy and Me"


Wedding Planning Blog (Updated 10/18/10)

Re: Knottie of the Week - CaramelBride973

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    1. First Name & Fiance's First Name
    Ashley and Tommie bka Tony

    2. Your Birthday & Age and Fiance's Birthday and Age
    12/8/1985 25(me) 8/12/1983 28(him)

    3. City Born In?
    Paterson, NJ

    4. City Live in?
    Paterson, NJ

    5. Where did you go to college?
    I did a year at Morgan State University then I transferred back home and attended William Paterson University

    6. What was your major?
    Political Science

    7. What is your current job?
    Currently I work for the State of NJ in the Courthouse.

    8. What is your dream job?
     I am not sure yet what my dream job is but I know it is not what I am currently doing. I can see myself owning my own business and investing in companies.

    9. How did you and your fiance meet?
    We met when I was 16 and a senior in high school. I attended a college bound program and while on my way there afterschool he was driving by and stopped to talk to me. Even though he sent his friend out  the car first to check me out LOL.

    10.  When did you get engaged and how did he do it??
    We got engaged Christmas 2009. He brought me a teddy bear. So I am all like thanks for the bear LOL. Then he said doesn't the head feel heavy so I was like what ok what is this box. The whole time I was unwrapping it I am like these must be earring when I finally got the box open and saw the ring I was like what is this what do you mean LOL. I am such a goofball.

    11. When is the Wedding Day?
     April 5, 2012

    12. Where is the ceremony and reception?
    Both will be held at Il Tulipano

    13. What are your wedding colors?
    Royal Blue, Charcoal gray and I think of adding Fushia as an accent color since the BMs flowers will have fushia roses.

    14. Where are you honeymooning?
    Do not know yet but we really need to figure that out ASAP. I am open to suggestions if anyone has any.

    15. Favorite wedding vendor so far?
    I would have to  say my DJ

    16. Biggest wedding splurge?
    The venue.

    17. What is something you wish you could have at the wedding but don't? Nothing is really coming to mind right now.

    18. Another knottie wedding you'd like to attend?
     I would love to attend everyone's wedding. Everyone has seems to have such great ideas.

    19. Favorite book?
    Do not have one.

    20. Favorite movie?
     I like Tyler Perry Movies and the Fast and Furious Movies.

    21. Favorite tv show?
    The game.

    22. Favorite wedding dress designer?
    I would have to go with Demetrious. I am not really into wedding dress designers so I guess I have to pick the designer I am using.

    23. Any advice you can give?
    Do not procrastinate in wedding planning. I have been engaged for over 2 years and I thought I had plenty of time to do everything now that the wedding is 2 and a half months away I am stressing b/c I have waited to do certain things.

    24. Anything you wish you could change about your wedding?
     I kind of wish I would have had a small destination wedding and taken the money and bought a house. 

    25. Share something about yourself!
    To a lot of people that do not know me I think in person I come off as a little snooty or conceited but I am really just shy. Once a person gets to know my I am a goofy person but also no non sense at them same time. If you come to me for advice you better be ready for what I am going to say because If i think you are wrong I will say so I can't just agree and I would expect someone to be the same exact way with me.

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    Hi CaramelBride...#25 made me just described me (I'm a Sag too). Do you and your FI have any children? 
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    Hi nope we have no kids yet.
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    Hi CaramelBride, Love your colors for the wedding! One thing we have in common is i wish i would have done a destination wedding also... Congrats on your upcoming wedding i know it must be stressful but, exciting.
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    I like the Fast and Furious movies as well.  Please tell me you saw the ending of FAST FIVE after the credits were done....I am too excited for # 6 to come out.

    If you would have done a Destintation Wedding-where would you have wanted to go?
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    Hi! I love those wedding colors. I just finished watching the game as well. I hope it will be a good season.
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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:c91aea79-7458-498e-ba0a-5f347943cbfePost:aa538064-c9f6-42a2-8d13-856f95d371dc">Re: Knottie of the Week - CaramelBride973</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hi! I love those wedding colors. I just finished watching the game as well. I hope it will be a good season.
    Posted by Demea[/QUOTE]

    Yeah me too even those these last to episodes haven't really been as good as the past seasons. to me
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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:c91aea79-7458-498e-ba0a-5f347943cbfePost:b2dcc093-0ae4-41aa-bb94-d83d3754473c">Re: Knottie of the Week - CaramelBride973</a>:
    [QUOTE]I like the Fast and Furious movies as well.  Please tell me you saw the ending of FAST FIVE after the credits were done....I am too excited for # 6 to come out. If you would have done a Destintation Wedding-where would you have wanted to go?
    Posted by Misskin[/QUOTE]

    Yes I saw it LOL I was like what is going on. I was just asking FI when does he think the next one is coming out.
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    Hello CaramelBride, so nice to meet you!  We have a few things in common.  I work for the State of TN, I was in an Upward Bound pre-college program in high school, and I am a DIE HARD fan of "The Game."  I really like Melanie's character this season.  She seems to be coming into her own and not so completely wrapped up in Derwin's life.

    Anywho, I see you haven't picked your honeymoon destination yet.  What would be your dream honeymoon?

    Also, do you have any siblings?  If so how many and where do you fall in line?
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    My dream honeymoon would have been to go to Bora Bora but the price and the travel time is crazy so those plans were scratched quickly.

    I have only one sister and she is younger than me by 7 years. She is my MOH but she is only 18 so it is hard for her to understand her responsibilties as a bridesmaid.

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    Since your venue was your biggest splurge, tell us about it.  i LOVE hearing about people's venues.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker When you are in love you cant fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. ~ Dr Seuss
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    Hey CaramelBride nice to meet you your getting married a few days before me and i love your wedding colors....what dont you like working for the state department im a poli sci major right now thats actually what i plan on doing after i graduate. 
    image 99 Made the cut image 76 Are ready to party!
    image 23 Will be missing out YAYAYAY image 0 Need to find the mailbox because if they didn't already they no longer can come The RSVP deadline has passed this is the final count Wedding Countdown Ticker image CLick and check out My blog From Ms. To Mrs.
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    Hey Ashley...

    What made you pick your date? I love your #25 answer.

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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:c91aea79-7458-498e-ba0a-5f347943cbfePost:7c3ceb11-6d8b-442a-8cc2-83fb88986daf">Re: Knottie of the Week - CaramelBride973</a>:
    [QUOTE]Since your venue was your biggest splurge, tell us about it.  i LOVE hearing about people's venues.
    Posted by Baesmom[/QUOTE]

    My venue has a very Italian feel. I love that well will have everything to ourself. We will have the whole downstairs for the bridal party.  The 1st floor for cocktail hour and it even has an outside piazza. Upstairs we will have the reception and I love that we have a balcony upstairs. Everyone is friendly and I like that when I call the person that we are working with knows who I am.
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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:c91aea79-7458-498e-ba0a-5f347943cbfePost:a72851c6-353f-4c6a-992e-b75252efca90">Re: Knottie of the Week - CaramelBride973</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey CaramelBride nice to meet you your getting married a few days before me and i love your wedding colors....what dont you like working for the state department im a poli sci major right now thats actually what i plan on doing after i graduate. 
    Posted by kikilay17[/QUOTE]

    I wanted to go to law school but my junior year of college I decided I didn't want to go to law school and at that point I did not want to change my major. I don't think working for the state is bad I just don't care for the division I am in. I like my co-workers but essentially I just push papers all day. Anyone can do what I do. I really want to use my degree but I am just not sure what i want to do. I have been applying around to other positions and I went on a interview before christmas so I have claimed that position as mine and I am just waiting for the call saying I got it. Also I want to go back and get my master but I flip flop between getting my MBA or going to law school.
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    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:400Discussion:c91aea79-7458-498e-ba0a-5f347943cbfePost:edadae4d-691a-4e08-a788-253f200af80d">Re: Knottie of the Week - CaramelBride973</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hey Ashley... What made you pick your date? I love your #25 answer.
    Posted by nicknuttnc[/QUOTE]

    Money LOL. It was a lot cheaper to have our wedding on a weekday and in April so we said why not get married the day before good friday. We originally wanted to get married is August or September but they prices were crazy for the same thing we are getting in April. So we choose that date so hopefully we can buy a house sooner.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Knottie of the Week - CaramelBride973</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Knottie of the Week - CaramelBride973 : I wanted to go to law school but my junior year of college I decided I didn't want to go to law school and at that point I did not want to change my major. I don't think working for the state is bad I just don't care for the division I am in. I like my co-workers but essentially I just push papers all day. Anyone can do what I do. I really want to use my degree but I am just not sure what i want to do. I have been applying around to other positions and I went on a interview before christmas so I have claimed that position as mine and I am just waiting for the call saying I got it. Also I want to go back and get my master but I flip flop between getting my MBA or going to law school.
    Posted by CaramelBride973[/QUOTE]

    <div>im in my second semester of my jr year and just decided i no longer want to go to law school the idea of being in school any longer than the next 3 semester makes me want to scream i cant do it. I get what your saying though thats something to think about. maybe i need to reconsider my law school decision i know law is what i want to do its just im having a hard time having to go through the process it takes to get there </div>
    image 99 Made the cut image 76 Are ready to party!
    image 23 Will be missing out YAYAYAY image 0 Need to find the mailbox because if they didn't already they no longer can come The RSVP deadline has passed this is the final count Wedding Countdown Ticker image CLick and check out My blog From Ms. To Mrs.
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    Yeah I know the feeling because I went through the samething. In retrospect it is better to just go through with it now. Everyone told me just go straight through don't stop but I said no I needed a break I was too tired of school. It is so hard once you start working and looking at your student loans to make a decision to just go back.
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