
I'm Back!!!! - Recap!

Hi Ladies!!!

The wedding and honeymoon was great!!!!  We actually got to enjoy our reception - it was so much fun, but it is true.... it goes by super fast!  However, There was a few mishaps - all before the wedding.

Mishaps - The night before the wedding around 8 p.m. my hair stylist calls and says he will not be able to do my hair.... this started it all.  He finally said he would be able to do it.  So I go the day of my wedding for my hair and he has an attitude - he does a good job but he didn't "set" the curls.  So the curls fell about 30 minutes when I left there and my hair looked a hot mess.  We were suppose to get to the hotel about 1, the photographer was meeting us there at 4 to start taking pics.  We didn't get to the hotel until 3 and when we are checking in - my room wasn't ready! Me, mom and sis are in the lobby with all of these bags and a wedding dress just waiting.  I started to complain so they finally checked us in.  My make up artist was suppose to show at 3 - he was a no show and didn't even call!  Got a call - a close family member on my side and one on my husband's side both got rushed to the e.r.  It was just so CRAZY!!! The harpist got there at 5:30, ceremony was at 6:30, it began to drizzle around 6 for a few minutes and she refused to play.  Our wedding coordinator was nowhere to be found, my husband was escorting guests to the ceremony area.... it was just insane!  IT was so crazy before the wedding.... i didn't eat or drink anything!

So on the upside - my sis, who is a makeup artist, did my make up and it look fabulous.  I called my friend who used to be a hair stylist and she rushed to me to fix my hair.  I finished getting ready about 6 so we weren't able to see each other before and take pictures.  One of the groomsman talked the harpist into playing and the drizzle stopped before I walked down the aisle.

The ceremony was beautiful.  Even though we initially wanted to see each other before the ceremony, I am kind of glad he didn't see me until I walked down the aisle.  After the ceremony we took pictures, however, I started feeling really sick from the heat, it was 94 degrees, and from not eating or drinking.  We only took a few pictures because I had to go inside - I thought I was going to pass out.  I really regret that.  I wish we would have taken more pictures.  I had a lot of ideas. 

The reception - flawless.  It was perfect.  We had a beautiful reception.  It was so much fun.  We danced and had a GREAT time - we really did enjoy our reception.  However, we didn't get a piece of our wedding cake with the exception of the cake cutting.  lol!

Overall, it was GREAT!  Everyone keeps telling me how much fun they had, how beautiful it was, etc. It really turned out to be an awesome day with the exception of the insane events before hand.

We had a fabulous honeymoon.  Went to Jamaica for 9 days.  It was great.  We got back Tuesday night and ended up going to Ocean City for a few days because we both had off until Monday (yesterday).

It's crazy that it's all done and over with, it really goes by fast!!!  I am glad we had a wedding (we initially thought about going to an island with a few close family members).  I wish we could do it again. lol.

Haven't received wedding pics yet... I am nervous about it because we didn't take that many, we took them in only two spots.  I think the majority of them will be from the reception.   I'll post when I get them.  We also had honeymoon pics done.  Posted one in siggy and I'll post the others soon. :)

Re: I'm Back!!!! - Recap!

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    edited December 2011
    I'm sorry you had so much trouble with your vendors!  I can understand the harpist not wanting to play outside in a drizzle unless the harp was fully under cover since it is a very expensive instrument, but the rest of your vendor issues are awful.  I'm glad the reception went well, though!

    Who was your photographer?  I know some of my favorite photos were from the reception, so hopefully you'll have some great ones from that selection.
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    strawberrycrzstrawberrycrz member
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    edited December 2011
    I'm so glad that the rest of the evening went so well for you.  I'm sorry you had such an awful day leading up the wedding though.  Who was supposed to do your makeup? I'm still looking for someone and want to make sure I dont book them!
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    dawnmhaydendawnmhayden member
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    edited December 2011
    I'm sorry your day started out so crazy but so happy for you that it ended up being wonderful!

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    ajerome21ajerome21 member
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    edited December 2011

    Make up artist - Charles from Mac in the Towson store.

    I understand about the harp, it was covered, but she was going to pack up and leave before waiting it out.  It was such a light drizzle and was only for about ten minutes... if that, more like five. Thank god a groomsman approached her and asked her to wait to see if it stops which it did. It was so light, the ground wasn't wet, nothing.  Just a few drops. 

    We used Perskie for photos.  I hope we have some good ones! 
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    edited December 2011
    I'm really glad everything turned out ok for you and you had a lovely wedding. Who was the hair stylist with the attitude?
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    edited December 2011
    Wow, I am so sorry about those vendors.  BUT, I am so happy that reception was incredible.  I look forward to seeing your photos.  I'm sure the photographer was able to capture some beautiful ones of you and your DH before you felt sick.   ;)

    Congrats, MRS.!!!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    edited December 2011
    Welcome back! Ditto pp, sorry there was drama before your wedding, but it totally sounds like everything went wonderfully from the wedding on!  So happy for you! I can't wait to see your pics - we used Perskie as well, and we have our proofs, and should have our albums and DVD in a few weeks...can't wait to share them!

    I think you'll be pleased with your photos...who was your photographer? We had Ken, and Julia Perskie was our second photographer...and I may have mentioned this before, but I was a little nervous because Ken didn't seem to want to travel to a lot of the great locations at our venue to take picures...he seemed to want to do everything in a set area. I did insist we go to a few locations, but there were a couple that I really wanted that we didn't get (he said some mess about "not having a place level to set up his tripod"...umm, like he couldn't take a picture without it?), and like you, I was a nervous that most of the photos would have the same backdrop.

    But I digress :-)

    Long story short, our pictures were lovely, and I'm sure yours will be too! And your HM pic in your siggy is awesome!!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    edited December 2011
    Angie, I am so glad everything worked out in the end!  From the few pictures I saw on FB that you posted, you were gorgeous!  I can't wait to see the Perskie pics.  Congrats, girlie!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Miss ... Mrs.
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