How was the weekend?
We got so much done! My mom had the kids and we had my dad all day Sat. We got M2's room and the nursery painted and some blinds hung in the living room and kitchen. The only drama was dad knocking over the paint can. Blue/green pain on tan carpet kinda sucks. He felt so terrible though he wanted to replace the entire room of carpet. We told him that was way overkill. The carpet might be new, but it's cheap and we fully expect to replace it in 5 years. We were going to buy area rugs anyway. Mom and dad both gave us money for the rugs and won't take it back. Guess it'll just go to college funds.
Sunday the kids were still with my parents so DH and I hung blinds and curtains in both rooms and scrubbed both rooms and 6let's top to bottom. I went through all of the hand me down clothes for 6let and all of his clothes for baby, sorted M2's clothes. Then started washing. I've got 2 boxes to sell, 2 for Goodwill, and 2 baskets for baby.
I can't wait to get the baby furniture and cradle.
Re: Morning!
Now I'm just waiting for the doc's office to open because the itchy bumps are getting worse. I'm afraid AF may have been right.
Our weekend was pretty good. Friday, DefConn and I just hung out all day with the exception of the Dr's visit. He took a nice long nap and my friend A's sister came by for a bit and we visited. It was nice because we usually just see each other at parties or other events, so we don't get a whole lot of one on one time. We watched Puss in Boots amd ordered pizza. DefConn amused us all by running around in circles for a good hour.
Saturday, we were up early to go downtown for the JDRF walk. After the walk, we went out to lunch with my parents and some family friends. We then took the kiddo to my IL's because they were taking him to a festival on Saturday night. We came back home and did some cleaning and I cooked for yesterday.
Sunday, we woke up early and did some more cleaning and I did some more cooking. We had some friends over to watch football. I made and we had the best time. These are friends we had not seen in a long time (they moved away and then came back...for a lot of reasons) and we absolutely adore them. When they got ready to leave around 7, we still weren't ready for them to leave.
DefConn's doing better, but now he has all the congestion crap that he can't seem to get out. I hope he drains some of it out running around at the sitter today. It's gross and he fights any sort of face/nose wiping.
Glad you had a good weekend.
6-that sounds like a great weekend, sleep included. Paint not included. I am intrigued by the bumps...sick, I know.
mrsconn-poor little guy. I'm glad to read he is doing better, minus the stuffies. And yay for a friend weekend. Sounds like you had fun.
My weekend was great. H was back in town Friday evening, and we just relaxed, I made dinner at home...he ate out all week. Then Saturday was errands, running around, watching football, more relaxing.
Sunday H replaced my kitchen faucet with a fancy dancy one, and a button for my disposal, which was super nice. I think he was more excited than I was. We then got him all packed up for another week away.
I saw him off this morning, he didn't want to leave, but alas, training is important.
I can't wait to get out of this town for a few days.
I forgot to update on chicken finger guy. We never had date #2. I lost interest and I think he did too. I'm still open to fix ups from friends, but I hope they take both of our personalities in mind.
:::Didn't think I would still be getting fixed up at this point if life, but glad people are thinking of me::::
Do you have an hourly countdown yet on your departure time?
I'm clearing off my desk of duties this week as we speak.
[QUOTE]I don't know if it's PUPPS or not. It doesn't look like the google pics, but it also doesn't look like anything else. I hate to go to the OB for something I should see a PCP for, but even more I hate to see a doc at all right now. Glad you had a good weekend.
Posted by 6fsn[/QUOTE]
I hope it's not PUPPS and just an allergic reaction to something. I went to my OB for everything (I don't think I saw my PCP at all for those 9 months) because I felt she knew better about what was safe for the baby. .
Sounds like everyone had a decent weekend! V- I can't wait for pictures.