Florida-South Florida


So I've really been trying to do a lot of research on vendors, so that I can plan my wedding how I want, but also stay in budget. I recently came across this website, thumbtack.com where you request quotes from different vendors. So far I've gotten a lot of good prices and its so easy to post something and have multiple people contact me back.

Has anyone used this site and had good luck with it? Please let me know your experiences!

And if you've never heard of it, I suggest checking it out!

Re: Thumbtack.com

  • I just checked it out - looks cool, i will have to go back and look at it in further detail and might just post my services :) thanks for the info!
  • Just wanted to let you know that I used it and got my DJ from this site. It was easy to use and has a mobile site. That's a big plus because I tend to be on my phone vs the laptop.
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