

How has your week been?  What's brewing for the weekend?  What's for dinner?  Let's hear it...

My week has been far too long.  JFK - SFO - JFK in 6 days.  Now 4 days of furious packing, and back on a plane on Sunday.  The upside is that I'm moving home.  The down side is that I'm moving, changing jobs, planning our March wedding, and our April AHR all in one fell swoop.  I am strangely calm, but growing exhausted of not having any moments without some worry popping into my head.


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    edited December 2011
    I've had a headache all week. I'm getting my hair cut and colored tonight (gotta get rid of those gray hairs for the big day photos)  No plans for the weekend.
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    edited December 2011
    I'm here, chillin' with Stefan (aka the student teacher). He's showing me all his pictures of Florence.

    Have I mentioned that I have two weeks until March break?!? Huzzah! We booked our airfare for this summer's trip to Kauai and Maui last weekend and got all the hotels and condos sorted out too. It makes me very happy to dream about these things while there's the cold white stuff falling again outside.

    I just cannot wait for winter to be over and done with.
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    sld0618sld0618 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I'm working 60+ hours this week. I'm tired. And on top of that I'm stressing about getting WR stuff done!  I really really need to get a crack on stuff.  I'm waiting for my tax return to buy a bunch of stuff, but I need to know what to buy then, hehe!  List time!!  And not working out this week has made me super grumpy!

    Tanq, hope everything run smoothly through the transitions!
    Ninja, I love getting my hair done!
    Alyson, I'm dreaming about HI too even though it's warmer here than there!
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    edited December 2011
    ninja - make sure they give you a fabulous head massage when they shampoo you before your cut/color.  Also, HOW EXCITING.  I love going to the salon.  I always feel so polished when I leave...and then I can never make my hair look quite the same again!

    Alyson...jealous on all fronts! :D  Sadly, I hated Florence.  I think I just didn't find the right places to eat and I am not able to fully appreciate art.  :P
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    AKWinterBrideAKWinterBride member
    First Anniversary Combo Breaker First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I'm with you SLD, I just got my tax return so I have to stop by the Post Office and pickup and mail out a money order for the balance of our condo in Maui, and also ship off a small check to our coordinator.  I also sent her an email cause I feel like I should be doing something, but I'm not sure what it is so I hope she can let me know if I am neglecting something.  We're getting so close all of the sudden!!! 
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