Wedding Party

bridesmaid problems

Hi ladies!!!

Okay, so here's the scoop, sorry it's so long! I have 5 bridesmaids and 1 MOH. Two of the bridesmaids are giving me the worst SH*T and those are my fiance's older sisters. Who have never been married. And want everything their way.

So I set up an appointment with David's Bridal to pick out the bridesmaid dress well over a month ago for tonight, being since tonight is the only time before the wedding that all my wedding party will be in town (some are in grad school in another state). 

With that being said, his one sister refuses to respond to my calls/texts/facebook messages about the appt tonight, while his other sister is now saying that the appt is such an inconvenience to her, blah blah blah.

Before I even booked the appt, I reached out to every one of my girls to make sure they all agree on a date; they had. Tonight.

I don't know what to do now. I've been planning for this appt for well over a month now, I can't cancel b/c that wouldn't be fair to my other bridesmaids/MOH. Do I just let the other girls choose the dress & say tough luck with the 2 sisters? That's what I'm leaning towards b/c I don't know what to do... I want the dress chosen TONIGHT.

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Re: bridesmaid problems

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    Say to her, "That's not a problem, we'll miss seeing you tonight!  Is there a budget that you'd like to stay under for the dress?  I want to make sure we choose something that is affordable for everyone."

    If she agreed a month ago and committed then, tough luck that she doesn't want to come tonight.  Just be polite about it and move on.
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    Thank you so much for your quick response! Originally I had told the girls I wanted the dress to stay under $140 so that they didn't have to splurge (whereas a friend of mine chose a dress that was $450!!!!), and they all said that was a perfect price point. So I guess it's up to the other ladies for style =)
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    Still go with youre other girls...if the girls choose a dress while youre there and its within the dicussed and agreed upon price than i say there is no need for the others to have another other input since they obviously decided not to go. Let them know what style it is, color etc...and let them know the last possible date it has to be ordered. If they dont order it, its on them.
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    Thank you so much ladies for your input! I feel better haha
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: bridesmaid problems</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thank you so much for your quick response! Originally I had told the girls I wanted the dress to stay under $140 so that they didn't have to splurge <strong>(whereas a friend of mine chose a dress that was $450!!!!)</strong>, and they all said that was a perfect price point. So I guess it's up to the other ladies for style =)
    Posted by EmilyRyan603[/QUOTE]
    Yowza! That's one pricey bridesmaids dress. I probably wouldn't be that bride's friend for very much longer...
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    Ditto PP's. Just say "I'm sorry you won't be able to make it.  I am planning to select the final dress tonight, so I'll let you know the details tomorrow of the style number, color, price and order date.  We'll have to get together for coffee next time you are in town!"
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    Did you tell them all privately or in a group that you wanted to "keep it under $140"? Because imagine being the one girl who can't afford that with everyone saying "that's fine".

    You should ASK each girl privately what she can afford to spend and then find something within the range of the lowest price point OR make up the difference in cost.

    Good luck.
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    450 bucks!!!!!!!!! Yikes. I am doing a DW in hawaii and am totally ok with my girls getting 35.00 dresses at Hilo Hattie's lol. But yeah girl don't let it get to you, things have a way of working out.
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    Don't cancel the appointment.  They knew when it was, and agreed to come, so it's not your fault that they cannot attend.  Pick out the dress with your other girls and then just let his sisters know the ordering info.
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