Missouri-Kansas City

Will I look like a loser at my own wedding? :(

I don't have any family or friends that will come, but I want to have a wedding. I dunno what to do.
My fiance and I are planning our wedding, but we came to a brick in the road, and I dunno what to do. None of my family will even come to my wedding, and my father won't even come to walk me down the aisle.
I'd love for my family to come, but its not going to happen I'll walk myself down the aisle honestly it hurts but that's ok because my family never cared about me anyways.  My friends from my hometown I don't want there because they are on drugs. I just moved to Kansas City and I don't have any friends here. My fiance has a ton of family and friends, so at our wedding it will be his family and friends and just me. :(
 I wish I had friends to ask to be my bridesmaids at our wedding, but at this point i wish I had friends that I could invite! Then I wouldn't feel like such a loser. So, I was wondering what do I do? Will it be ok if I walk myself down the aisle? Since I know there's no chance of my family coming, will I look like a loser with no friends or bridesmaides?

Re: Will I look like a loser at my own wedding? :(

  • pooomunkiepooomunkie member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    You won't look like a loser. Your wedding is about you marrying the man you love. Its sad that your family and friends will not be there but the bottom line is that it's not about them anyway. You deserve to be happy and enjoy your day. Is there anyone in his family that you might ask to be your bridesmaid? They will be your family soon and it may be a good way to get to know them better...
  • lostmykeyslostmykeys member
    edited December 2011
    I have been to several weddings where the bride walked down the aisle by herself.  With divorces or deaths or situations like yours, lots of brides don't have their fathers walk them down the aisle.  You walk down that aisle with pride, because you are marrying the man you love.

    And don't get all caught up in the "sitting the brides guests on one side and the grooms guests on the other side " thing.  If there is a center aisle, have the guests scattered evenly.  It will be great!
  • TaylorS0829TaylorS0829 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    It'll be a year before our wedding, so hopefully I can make friends in the area. Perhaps, even find a bridesmaid before then, too.
  • kelleyku05kelleyku05 member
    edited December 2011
    I agree with PP.  You can totally walk yourself down the aisle.  Or if you are close with his family maybe his dad or grandfather could walk you.  If he has a sister she could be a BM if you are friends.  And of course you have time to make friends!  At my wedding my husband's side was a lot smaller than mine so I made sure our usherettes had guests go up to the next available seat and not choose a side based on groom or bride.  Have fun planning your wedding and try not to worry about that stuff too much, though I'm sure it's hard!
  • edited December 2011
    You can totally walk yourself - or walk with FI
    img_9694 Anniversary
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