Florida-South Florida

Epics today

Just got back from my epics session... and boy did we sweat!!! I'm hoping that the sweat patches on our clothes and beads on our faces do not show on the pics.

I would have liked to not have so many posey-poses but my FI is a pain in my arse and won't cooperate.  He hates pictures and was complaining from the moment he got up. I almost cancelled the whole thing this morning, I was so upset.

But on our way there I thought happy thoughts and tried to make it work. lol I hope they come out good. At the very least I got to see a bunch of butterflies! YEAY!!! and probably lost a lb or 2 with all the sweating.

Oh! And I'm very happy that I did my own make up and it did wonderfully in the heat and humidity. I'm so happy I bought all the right products. If for some reason I'm not able to have Claudia do my makeup for the wedding, now I know that if I do it myself it will last.

Re: Epics today

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    MariMac84MariMac84 member
    Combo Breaker First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    ugh! Why do men have to be so uptight when taking pics?!  lol Nagib was the exact same way at first, but I just kept trying to make him laugh until he relaxed.

    Either way... i can't wait to see the pics! Did you decide on props? How long until you get some teasers?! lol

    ps. completely off topic.. was it you who bought fans as a favor and you stamped them or something with your names? I'd love to see a pic if it was you... pwwweeeeaaase
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    edited December 2011

    Cant wait to see them! Who is your photog? Men are a stick in a mud!
    It was HOT today!

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    edited December 2011
    cant wait to see the E-pics! I'm sure they turned out great
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    edited December 2011

    Karen - My photog is Gina Carter.

    I don't know if I will get a teaser or not, but I should have all of them in 4-5 days she said.

    She showed me a few as she was taking them, though. I hope they do turn out good because I'm doing a guest book with them.

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    Lacey36Lacey36 member
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    edited December 2011
    yay for e-pics my DH was the same way when we took ours hehe. he hates taking pics where i love taking them.
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    bears4lifebears4life member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Men can be pains when taking pic haha!!! I'm excited to see your pics!
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