
Good morning!

Morning ladies!
  Last day of meetings this week.  Yesterday's meetings went surprisingly well because my principal hid in her office and didn't come.  Today's will be a breeze, as they are just transition meetings for my kids to go to middle school.
  I also have book club tonight so I'm looking forward to that.  Otherwise, I'm hoping for a quiet day=)
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Re: Good morning!

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    edited December 2011
    GM!  I feel like this week is dragging on.  Oh well, at least it is Thursday and the sun is out!  Last night DF and I actually cooked in our house! Although it was only pasta with marinara sauce on paper plates! I don't have any dishes, bake ware or even a microwave! I'm sick of eating out every night we are there.  And it only took a little convincing to have him help me dry the pots :)

    Have a great day!

    Favorite Thing About Fall- Fall Foods, apple pie, pumpkin cookies, apple cider... YUM!

    Planning Bio

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    gmc22gmc22 member
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    edited December 2011
    Good Morning!
    Last night I met up with my dad before class for dinner - it was great to see him! :) After class, I ran to the mall real quick to return some bathing suits I ordered from Jcrew and ended up buying these adorable clips they had - I'm going to turn them into fun shoe clips for the wedding!! SO excited! Does anyone know where to buy the backings for shoe clips? Michaels?

    So it was a pretty successful night. Class was even fun b/c we were talking about teaching poetry! :) Hope everyone has a great day!

    H - So glad your meetings went smoothly! Yay for another easy day! :)
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    edited December 2011
    Good Morning! I really need to go to bed earlier, as a few late nights are really catching up to me. Yesterday bet. 4 & 5 I was pretty swamped with phone calls. We'll see if today is any better. On an interesting note, we've had a lot of our field reps in the office this week, including Tommy McIntyre, who is Joey McIntyre's brother! (yes, Joey from NKOTB!) I was never a big NKOTB fan, but I had a thing for Joey when he went out on his own. :-) He actually calls in quite frequently (this is Tommy I'm talking about of course), so I get to hear his Boston accent. I'm not a stalker, I swear. Tongue out

    H- Your principal sounds pretty pathetic! I'm glad it went well yesterday.

    Meg- Yay for a meal in the new house! So you're not actually living there full-time yet?

    G- Cute clip! I'd imagine any craft store would have backings...
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    edited December 2011
    Good Morning! I am back at work. :( I feel OK, I'm just so tired... no idea why.

    So, the search for honeymoon places continues. Ugh, this is so incredibly frustrating. I really, really want to just say "thanks but no thanks" to the timeshare thing, but as of right now, we just can't. Besides the rehearsal dinner this is all that FI family is contributing, and they would be heart broken if we didn't take the points. We decided we weren't going to compromise what we want, but with these two places (see post below) in play, I think we will have to do this. One thing I am thinking about is using the points for a week, and then tacking on a 3 night stay at another place via cheap carribbean. We'll see if that is possible. I just want to pick a place and all of this to be done with. And, I haven't had great luck on the honeymoon board. I know they are trying to help, but I always get shot down when I post... which I should be able to handle the honesty, it jsut doesn't help my frustration. And now, I'm rambling again!

    H- Yay for breezy meetings! What book are you reading for your book club?
    Duq- good for you for cooking! Do you have a crockpot? Without many appliances, maybe that would help for easy clean up and a yummy meal? You can buy the slow-cooker liners, so you won't have to clean at all!
    RT + JB
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    The only item I will not compromise bouquet of all purple tulips wrapped in a swatch from my Mom's wedding dress.
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    ros3392ros3392 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Morning! Last night I tried to show DF my shoes online and he was so cute, he didn't want to see them because they are a part of my outfit and he wants to be surprised! haha I told him he's going to have to see them because I need to see how tall I am next to him when they come in.

     I drug myself out of bed this morning and went to the gym and discovered a new machine that I liked so I'm pretty glad I went! I'm meeting my dad for lunch today, we're trying a Vietnamese place in the Strip, and I have a happy hour networking thing for work tonight.

    H- bummer about your principal. What do you teach?
    Meg- I remember when DF and I moved in together two years ago, we ate off paper plates for a while to!
    G- Those clips are super cute! I was going to do clips if I couldn't find shoes with an embellishment on them! Not sure where to buy backings.. maybe you can use clip on earrings and take the earring part off?

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    LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
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    edited December 2011
    Good morning ladies.  I'm finally back in Chicago as of last night.  It's been a crazy week away and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed about both leaving my job next Friday and moving in with FI this weekend.  Add in some family stuff I'll post about in a second and... whew!  Don't get me wrong, it was an absolutely wonderful trip and it was great to see my CA coworkers before I leave, but I feel like a little stressball right now.

    Heather, sorry your principal is being annoying!
    Meg, yay for the first home-cooked meal in your new home!
    Gianna, I love that!  It's like a peony clip :)  Glad you got to see your dad last night!
    Kim, that's so funny about NKOTB!  Does he sing too?  :)
    Trisha, very cute about your FI.  What was the new machine at the gym?

    Jamie, I'm gonna go check out yor post in a second, sorry you're having honeymoon frustrations.  I post with some regularity on the honeymoon board, but the Travel board on the Nest is really where it's at.  I post there every day, and the women there are widely traveled and very helpful, and much more active than the honeymoon one!   They might prove to be more help for you.

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
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    edited December 2011

    I hope you get to de-stress soon, LaFemme! How exciting to be moving in with FI though! Oh, and nope, Tommy doesn't sing. ;-)

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    ros3392ros3392 member
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Oh Kim I missed your post! That's exciting! I was in love with NKOTB!

    Jennifer- its an Octane Fitness trainer. Its called an elliptical, but its different than the other ellipticals I've used. It has a Glute Kicker and an Arm Blaster. I didn't want to get off of it!
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    kime31kime31 member
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    edited December 2011
    GM everyone!  I am running on empty today!  I had an interview yesterday in Tampa, FL for physician's assistant program.  I have mixed feelings about how I feel it went and whether I'd want to go there if I was offered a seat.  I guess I am slightly nervous about the whole switch and going back to school in general - I like what I do but I can't balance the hours and pay with having a family which I'd like eventually, blah.  Plus with wedding stuff and changes at work I think I'm just stressing out in general.  It also doesn't help that I had a flight yesterday at 7am so was up at 4:30 and the same again today for my flight back.  On a happy note I did get to see my sister last night so thats exciting!

    H - glad your meetings went well!
    Jen - thats a lot of change all at once, I don't blame you for feeling a little overwhelmed!
    G - that clip is so cute!
    Ros - that machine sounds great!
    Kim - at least that brings some excitement to busy work days & accents are always fun!
    Jl - do you have a better idea of which of the 2 locations you're leaning towards now?
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    edited December 2011
    GMC- those clips are so cute!!
    Kim- awesome about Tommy McIntyre. We were watching American Idol last night and that Justin Beiber performed and his voice (which hasn't changed yet) sounds just like Joey did in NKOTB.
    Ros- Yay for the gym! Good job!!! And yay for Vietnamese... YUM!! mmmm... shrimp toast!
    Jen- I'm glad you've made it back to Chicago! And so excited for you to move into FI. Have you guys lived together before? Do you currently live like a nomad b/t his place and your place (I did, until FI finally bit t he bullet and was ready to move in!) GL with the move!! So excited for you!!
    Kime-24 hour travel is always exhausting!

    So, I think we are close to a HM destination. The more I read up on the Isle Mujeres, the more I like it! So, FI is going to call and try to book it. PLEASE KEEP FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!
    RT + JB
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    The only item I will not compromise bouquet of all purple tulips wrapped in a swatch from my Mom's wedding dress.
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    edited December 2011
    kime- GL figuring out school stuff. I'm thinking about going back too, but suddenly realized I'm not sure what I want to do. Is that bad?

    Jl- fingers crossed for you! I hope you can get it booked soon so that you have some peace of mind.
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    LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
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    edited December 2011
    Trisha- that sounds great!

    Thanks for the moving-in well wishes :)  Jamie, I do always feel nomadic, ha!  We've never lived together, and actually have spent years living in different cities until about two years ago.  Now he only lives about a block and a half away from me which finally took away the need to constantly have a bag packed!  We'll be living apart again when I go back to school, though, so we're really trying to cherish these couple of months together before I move.

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
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