

Has anyone used taura horn photography?  How are her price packages and would she travel?  I am on crunch time for finding a good decently priced photographer and haven't found "the one" yet.

Re: Photographer

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    I haven't, but if you want other suggestions,  we booked a gal out of Grand Island who will travel- she charged $125 for travel fees, but was still way cheaper than anyone in Omaha. She did fiancee's brother's wedding, and did a great job. She did a great job on our engagement pictures too! Her website is:

    She has her prices listed there, as well as galleries so you can see her work.
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    I love Meri Valentin Photography, great work, workable packages, and fun.
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    I have a meeting with Allure Photographic on Monday. They came recommended by a friend who used them and I was in another friend's wedding that hired them and she was fun. She was super sweet and she helped prevent a crisis with a zipper. Her husband seemed to get along great with the guys. I loved her photos that I got to see on both of their FB pages, too. Her pricing seems pretty good and average of what to expect in Omaha. I will post again after I meet with her. I have looked at a million sites and I just got engaged over Christmas, but I really like Allure so far.
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    I am interested in your opinion of Allure Photographic!
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