Pre-wedding Parties

Shower Thank Yous

I attended 2 showers for my future SIL. One was a box shower where we all pitched in money and someone bought a bunch of gifts and sent them to her. ( She couldnt afford to come home) and another was one where she was in town. 2 months later and still no thank yous! What is the time limit to send them out? I even had family call and ask if I had gotten one because they havent and thought it was rude. How do you go about saying something to them about it but not sounding bitchy or rude? Although I want to make it clear that she is rude and it is something she needed to do? When I had my showers, I have my thank yous in the mail the following Monday. I even sent her one ( My MIL bought a gift for her to give to me because she couldnt make it and I knew she didnt buy me anything). Thoughts?

Re: Shower Thank Yous

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    In Response to <a href="">Shower Thank Yous</a>:
    [QUOTE]I attended 2 showers for my future SIL. One was a box shower where we all pitched in money and someone bought a bunch of gifts and sent them to her.<strong> ( She couldnt afford to come home)</strong> and another was one where she was in town. 2 months later and still no thank yous! What is the time limit to send them out? I even had family call and ask if I had gotten one because they havent and thought it was rude. <strong>How do you go about saying something to them about it but not sounding bitchy or rude? Although I want to make it clear that she is rude and it is something she needed to do? </strong>When I had my showers, I have my thank yous in the mail the following Monday. I even sent her one ( My MIL bought a gift for her to give to me because she couldnt make it and I knew she didnt buy me anything). Thoughts?
    Posted by humms9692[/QUOTE]

    You don't say anything. Although not sending TY notes is rude, pointing out that someone is rude is equally rude. You can be mad about it and vent on here, but don't bring it up to her.

    Also, I don't get the first bolded part. She had a shower but didn't attend her own shower? What?

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    2 wrongs don't make a right.  Same thing applies to etiquette.  FWIW she has up to a year to send thank yous.
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    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:32Discussion:70b3c9c6-5729-41b3-8b56-fbbd6923440ePost:eacb1baf-6a6b-4d9e-ae59-7b3704b739bc">Re: Shower Thank Yous</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Shower Thank Yous : You don't say anything. Although not sending TY notes is rude, pointing out that someone is rude is equally rude. You can be mad about it and vent on here, but don't bring it up to her. Also, I don't get the first bolded part. She had a shower but didn't attend her own shower? What?
    Posted by Summer2011Bride[/QUOTE]

    BIL's parents are divorced so there was 2 sperate showers. She couldnt attend the shower her future FILs family had planned so we just boxed up the gifts and sent them to her. She was able to attend the MILs family shower though.
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