My Fi and I are having some trouble finding a church that will let us have our ceremony there because we don't attend that church. We do attend a Catholic church every Sunday, but we're being told because we aren't parishners they won't allow it.
Did any of you have any trouble with this? Or can you tell me what church you were/will be married in that will allow "outsiders"?
Re: Getting married in a church you don't attend?
We live in NJ.
Anyway, it's all going to depend on the parish.
Some will. Some won't.
Some will marry you, but want to meet with you a few times beforehand and make you promise that you will continue to go to church after your wedding.
If you currently attend mass at the same church every week (just not the one you are planning to get married at) maybe your "Home" priest could provide a reference if needed at the church you want to get married at. To state that you attend mass regularly.
Did you grow up in the area - what about the church you or fiance attended as children? Or where you were baptised? Had communion? Or confirmation?
Or have you tried a family members church (where they regularly go)?
Hope this helps!
(When we were looking, we knew we were getting married at my home church. So we used that as the starting point, but looked at reception venues up to an hour away. We realized that we didn't want anyone traveling that far. 45 minutes was negotiable. And 30 minutes away was definitely ok. We ended up going with a place not even 10 minutes from the church, but that's not what I'm suggesting. Figure out how far you are ok with your guests traveling between the ceremony and reception and that will give you quite a few towns (and churches) to look at.)
Good luck!!!
If you are getting married outside your area, definitely check with your local priest, he may know someone at one of the churches in the area of your wedding.
I think some priests will do it as long as you can prove that you're practicing elsewhere (you'll need to provide your sacramental certificates and in some cases your local priest may have to certify that you attend regularly at his parish). Some priests may not allow it because they feel it is difficult to gain comfort that you're in good standing elsewhere.
I'd just keep trying different churches in the area until you find one that will do it. What area are you looking in? We had luck in the Poughkeepsie area.
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