Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

October Wedding Weather Concern

My moms is talking this nonsense into my head but I fear she may be correct about one thing.

My upscale venue has a beautiful green lawn that we are having our ceremony on.

She thinks it will be too chilly at 10:30 in the AM to have a wedding outside.

Do you think she is correct? Should I provide my female guests with shawls since they will most likely be wearing short or no sleeves?
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Re: October Wedding Weather Concern

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    I think October in New Jersey, more often than not, is going to be too chilly for an outdoor wedding.  I wouldn't recommend it.

    That said, it's not necessary to provide shawls. If you decide to go through with it, just make sure the outdoor aspect is clear to get from the invitation so guests can plan to wear a jacket.
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    Last October SNJ was beautifully nice. I am hoping for the same. We have a backup inside space in case of inclimate weather.

    i just thought maybe i should offer something so people dont have to run around trying to find shawls or something
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    This site lets you check on historical temperatures by the hour/day.  It looks like at 10:00 AM on October 14th, it's usually between 55 and 60 degrees.  It's not freezing, but I might be annoyed by that as a guest. 
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: October Wedding Weather Concern</a>:
    [QUOTE]<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This site lets you check on historical temperatures by the hour/day.  It looks like at 10:00 AM on October 14th, it's usually between 55 and 60 degrees.  It's not freezing, but I might be annoyed by that as a guest. 
    Posted by Gabrielle76[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>Thanks, I checked out the site. At my location last year on oct 14th it was between 60 and 70. who knows what it will be this year. i know last year in SJ we got lucky</div>
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    Just be realistic and be ready for a back up plan. Your mom's not talking "nonsense."  Average temperatures and colder than average temperatures are a real concern.  As long as there is a back up ceremony space go ahead and plan for the outdoor wedding and hope for the best
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    Was it between 60 and 70 at 10 in the morning or was that the high for the day?

    I think you need to give your mom some credit here.  Do NOT make your guests sit outside if it is chilly.  They won't remember your wedding for being beautiful, they will remember that you had them sitting outside freezing their hiney's off.  If it is unseasonably warm at 10 am on the morning of your wedding then outdoors is great!  If it is chilly, then move it inside.

    If you are really set on having an outdoor wedding can you move up your date to a warmer time?
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    What about having outdoor patio heaters on standby with a rental company? 

    That was something I considered for my November California wedding before I found an indoor venue I liked.
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    I think you are fine to plan an outdoor wedding as long as you have an indoor back-up in case it rains or the weather is too chilly. It is so unpredicatble, you have no way of knowing this far out, or even a few days before, because it can change so quickly.

    If it is colder than about 65º, I would probably move it indoors. You want your guests to be comfortable and not shivering through the whole thing.

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    edited February 2012
    Your mom is not talking nonsense. Last October our local daily high temperatures ranged from 38 - 80 degrees, with a massive snow storm to cap off a month of weird weather.

    If you are planning on the outdoor ceremony, please word the invitations so the guests are aware. They will bring appropriate outerwear. If you want to compare past daily temperatures try this link:

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    edited February 2012
    I agree, there is a good chance that it may be too chilly.  There's also a chance it may rain.  Or be super windy.  Personally, I can't see spending a year and a half planning a day and then having the entire thing dependant on the weather that particular day (I'm not having an outdoor wedding, obvs.).  I've been to a lot of outdoor weddings, and to be quite honest having beautiful, comfortable weather seems to be the rare expection - I'm usually either sweating off my makeup and into my nice dress or having my teeth chatter.

    Like PPs said, have a backup plan because there is a definite chance she could be correct, she isn't talking nonsense.  And let your guests know ahead of time to plan for an outdoor ceremony.
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    Last year, in our area, we had an extended winter, this year we're having an early spring and barely any winter.  Point: weather changes from year to year.  Averages are not good since the difference between 2 years can be quite drastic but when looking at an average it considers...well...the average.

    So I think it will be a little too chilly and I think you should definitely have a Plan B.  I personally think its a lot to ask for a 10:30am ceremony AND outside in October.  I would go to the wedding but I would probably complain if it was cold/chilly.
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    Well my question that I really wanted answered was should I provide shawls if it is chilly?

    I would only move it inside if it is windy and cold. Chilly and Cold are two different things for me. Chilly is where you can wear a shawl, cold is when you have to wear a coat.

     I have a back up space but I'm paying out the a** for the beauty of their outside ceremony. 
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    I am also getting married *hopefully* outside this October.  I was planning on letting my guests know that the ceremony may be outside and that they should plan on appropriate clothing.  I don't think that providing your guests with shawls is necessary.
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