Pre-wedding Parties

Engagement party

I am looking into having an engagement party, do any of you know of good places in Houston to have an engagement party? And did anyone not have one or did? Why or why not? And I'm just curious to other couples thoughts and wanting to hear more opinions! Thanks so much!!

Re: Engagement party

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    Most engagement parties I've been to have just been at the host's home.

    P.S. I'm assuming you already know this, but just in case, you should not host your own engagement party; it's bad etiquette.  A friend or family member may offer to host one in your honor; if no one does, you don't have an engagement party.
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    In Response to Engagement party:
    Oh no - you should never have mentioned you were looking into throwing an engagement party - the ettiquet police are going to rip you a new one! 
    To answer your question - I think getting close friends and family together to celebrate your engagement is a great idea (regardless of what anyone says). And, honestly, I think its a really good excuse to throw a party! A lot of people are likely excited for you and want to see the both of you so having one larger get together as opposed to multiple dinners, etc is an easy/efficient solution.
    However, make sure you make it clear that you do not want gifts or the such because then it looks a little tacky.

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Engagement party</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Engagement party : Oh no - you should never have mentioned you were looking into throwing an engagement party - the ettiquet police are going to rip you a new one!  JK To answer your question - I think getting close friends and family together to celebrate your engagement is a great idea (regardless of what anyone says). And, honestly, I think its a really good excuse to throw a party! A lot of people are likely excited for you and want to see the both of you so having one larger get together as opposed to multiple dinners, etc is an easy/efficient solution.<strong> However, make sure you make it clear that you do not want gifts or the such because then it looks a little tacky.</strong>
    Posted by Mstellah[/QUOTE]

    Actually it's poor etiquette and "tacky" to mention gifts at all, even if you're saying you don't want them.

    OP, as far as venues, I would post on your local board over on the left hand side. Like a PP said, you shouldn't host your own engagement party. Lots of people don't have them and they aren't required.

    Now if you just want to have a get-together with friends, that's fine. But don't make it all about your engagement or wedding. Those are two different things.

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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Engagement party</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Engagement party : Oh no - you should never have mentioned you were looking into throwing an engagement party - the ettiquet police are going to rip you a new one!  JK To answer your question - I think getting close friends and family together to celebrate your engagement is a great idea (regardless of what anyone says). And, honestly, I think its a really good excuse to throw a party! A lot of people are likely excited for you and want to see the both of you so having one larger get together as opposed to multiple dinners, etc is an easy/efficient solution. However, make sure you make it clear that you do not want gifts or the such because then it looks a little tacky.
    Posted by Mstellah[/QUOTE]

    <div>Awww your advice is so tacky!  Maybe you should spend some time on the etiquette board, because it's a) not ok to host your own engagement party, and b) never ok to mention gifts.  Your little comment about "etiquette police" wasn't really funny even though you added "JK" at the end.  There's nothing wrong about doing what's right etiquette-wise.</div><div>
    </div><div>OP, don't throw your own engagement party.  If you're hosting an engagement party for a friend or family member, check your local board for locations.</div>
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    YA1YA1 member
    First Answer 5 Love Its First Comment Combo Breaker
    I am the mother a recently engaged daughter and I've been lurking on here for a few days trying really basically to pick up pointers to help my daughter plan her wedding.  Here's what I found as actual content of Ask Carley regarding engagement parties:
    <h2 class="themeheadlinecolor">Wedding Engagement Party: Who Hosts Engagement Party?</h2> <div class="bodycopy bodycopybigger themebox"> <h3 class="qaquestion qaleadletter">Q.</h3> <div class="qaquestion"> <p>Is it appropriate for a couple to initiate their own engagement party or is someone from either of the families supposed to do that? </p> </div> <p class="qaleadletter">A.</p> <p> </p><p>Anyone can host the engagement party, although traditionally the bride's parents host the first soiree. But, more and more couples are opting to throw their own engagement parties these days, so go for it! Also, you don't have to stop at just one party. If you and your fiance want to have a party for your friends and family, your parents can have a separate one later. The more the merrier!</p> <p class="seemore themeheadlinecolor"> See More: <a id="content_0_RelatedControl_TagRepeater_ctl01_TagLink" href="">Rehearsals + Brunches</a> , <a id="content_0_RelatedControl_TagRepeater_ctl03_TagLink" href="">Rehearsals + Brunches</a> , <a id="content_0_RelatedControl_TagRepeater_ctl05_TagLink" href="">Just Engaged?</a> , <a id="content_0_RelatedControl_TagRepeater_ctl07_TagLink" href="">Engagement/Engagement Parties</a> </p> </div> <div class="save"> </div> <ul class="sharing shareBar"><li class="email"></li><li class="googlePlus"></li><li class="twitter"></li><li class="fblike"></li></ul> <div id="content_0_WidgetsCenter_ctl00_pnlCommentsLoggedIn"> <h5 class="themeheadlinecolor">share your opinion on this topic</h5> <h6 class="themeheadlinecolor">Please note: There is a 2000 character limit.</h6> <div class="form"> <a id="feedbackbuttonsubmit" href="" class="ir">Submit</a> </div> </div> <div id="commentHolder"><div class="boardCcomment zebraB"> <a href="" class="avatar"><img src="" alt="" width="38" height="38" /></a> <p class="comment">I am grandmother of the bride...can I host the engagement party?</p> <span class="author">By <a href="">Reedslady2013</a></span> </div><div class="boardCcomment zebraA"> <a href="" class="avatar"><img src="" alt="" width="38" height="38" /></a> <p class="comment">I believe the Grooms Family or close family friend should do it, especially when they go by the tradition that the Bride's family pays for most of the wedding.</p> <span class="author">By <a href="">SHarris2012</a></span> </div><div class="boardCcomment zebraB"> <a href="" class="avatar"><img src="" alt="" width="38" height="38" /></a> <p class="comment">We are planning our own engagement BBQ at our home. I am so excited! We have so much time to plan our wedding as it won't be until next summer (2013) so the engagement party won't b until June 24th, 2012 as it's a bit early I feel. But, my excitement for marrying my best friend is so high right now I wish we could have the party now! :)</p> <span class="author">By <a href="">magnoliakng</a></span> </div><div class="boardCcomment zebraA"> <a href="" class="avatar"><img src="" alt="" width="38" height="38" /></a> <p class="comment">I'm planning my own and I'm so excited!! It's not about gifts, traditionally guests don't bring gifts to these and that's how we've instructed our guests as well. It's a chance for everyone to meet in a relaxed, nformal environment before the actual wedding.</p> <span class="author">By <a href="">Shoeluvr1</a></span> </div><div class="boardCcomment zebraB"> <a href="" class="avatar"><img src="" alt="" width="38" height="38" /></a> <p class="comment">A good friend from work threw our engagement party! Being very new to the engagement/wedding planning scene, I honestly didn't know people had them until she was like "I am throwing you two a party! And it was great.</p> <span class="author">By <a href="">LaurensHell</a></span> </div></div> <p class="commentsMoreLink"><a href="">View all comments</a></p> <div class="articleextras"> <div id="90864d32-dce6-4323-866d-261934425909" class="widget dartad"> <a href=";h=v8/3cb4/0/0/%2a/a;164241503;2-0;2;22945117;4307-300/250;33152305/33170182/1;;%7Eaopt=2/0/89/0;%7Esscs=%3f" target="_new" rel="nofollow"><img src="" border="0" alt="Click here to find out more!" /></a> </div> <div class="widget relatedandnew themebackcolor_medium"> <h4 class="themeheadlinecolor">related articles</h4> <ul><li><a id="content_0_ExtrasControl_PagesRepeater_ctl01_PageHyperlink" href="">Wedding Engagement: How to Ask Parents for Hand in Marriage?</a></li><li><a id="content_0_ExtrasControl_PagesRepeater_ctl02_PageHyperlink" href="">Wedding Engagement Party: Do We Register for Engagement Party?</a></li><li><a id="content_0_ExtrasControl_PagesRepeater_ctl03_PageHyperlink" href="">Wedding Engagement Party: Engagement Party Gift Ideas?</a></li></ul> <div class="widget openhtml htmlwidget"> <h3 style="font-family:arial;margin-bottom:5px;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;" class="themeheadlinecolor">new on the knot</h3> <ul><li> <a href="">The Knot Editors' Blog</a> </li><li> <a href="">Genius Reception Decor Ideas</a> </li><li> <a href="">Our Favorite Wedding Cakes</a> </li></ul></div> </div> </div>

    In Response to <a href="">Re: Engagement party</a>:
    [QUOTE]Most engagement parties I've been to have just been at the host's home. P.S. I'm assuming you already know this, but just in case, you should not host your own engagement party; it's bad etiquette.  A friend or family member may offer to host one in your honor; if no one does, you don't have an engagement party.
    Posted by calliopeia2013[/QUOTE]
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    Keep in mind, not everything posted by TK is the correct answer.
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    YA1YA1 member
    First Answer 5 Love Its First Comment Combo Breaker
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Engagement party</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am the mother a recently engaged daughter and I've been lurking on here for a few days trying really basically to pick up pointers to help my daughter plan her wedding.  Here's what I found as actual content of Ask Carley regarding engagement parties: Wedding Engagement Party: Who Hosts Engagement Party? Q. Is it appropriate for a couple to initiate their own engagement party or is someone from either of the families supposed to do that? A.   Anyone can host the engagement party, although traditionally the bride's parents host the first soiree. But, more and more couples are opting to throw their own engagement parties these days, so go for it! Also, you don't have to stop at just one party. If you and your fiance want to have a party for your friends and family, your parents can have a separate one later. The more the merrier! See More: Rehearsals + Brunches , Rehearsals + Brunches , Just Engaged? , Engagement/Engagement Parties share your opinion on this topic Please note: There is a 2000 character limit. Submit I am grandmother of the bride...can I host the engagement party? By Reedslady2013 I believe the Grooms Family or close family friend should do it, especially when they go by the tradition that the Bride's family pays for most of the wedding. By SHarris2012 We are planning our own engagement BBQ at our home. I am so excited! We have so much time to plan our wedding as it won't be until next summer (2013) so the engagement party won't b until June 24th, 2012 as it's a bit early I feel. But, my excitement for marrying my best friend is so high right now I wish we could have the party now! :) By magnoliakng I'm planning my own and I'm so excited!! It's not about gifts, traditionally guests don't bring gifts to these and that's how we've instructed our guests as well. It's a chance for everyone to meet in a relaxed, nformal environment before the actual wedding. By Shoeluvr1 A good friend from work threw our engagement party! Being very new to the engagement/wedding planning scene, I honestly didn't know people had them until she was like "I am throwing you two a party! And it was great. By LaurensHell View all comments related articles Wedding Engagement: How to Ask Parents for Hand in Marriage? Wedding Engagement Party: Do We Register for Engagement Party? Wedding Engagement Party: Engagement Party Gift Ideas? new on the knot The Knot Editors' Blog Genius Reception Decor Ideas Our Favorite Wedding Cakes In Response to Re: Engagement party :  
    Posted by YA1[/QUOTE]

    So true!
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    She asked for advice, not for people to be rude. We don't live in the 1800's anymore and if she wants to have her families together to enjoy the engagement, who are you to stop her?? You put your pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else.

    In Response to <a href="">Re: Engagement party</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Engagement party : Awww your advice is so tacky!  Maybe you should spend some time on the etiquette board, because it's a) not ok to host your own engagement party, and b) never ok to mention gifts.  Your little comment about "etiquette police" wasn't really funny even though you added "JK" at the end.  There's nothing wrong about doing what's right etiquette-wise. OP, don't throw your own engagement party.  If you're hosting an engagement party for a friend or family member, check your local board for locations.
    Posted by freebread03[/QUOTE]
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