Snarky Brides

XP Advice - Involve Cops or No?

H and I live in a duplex in a somewhate sketch neighborhood, but our little street of duplexes is fairly safe. We're just surrounded by crime and low-income apartments on 3 sides.

I went to get the mail today and I noticed that there was a pill bottle tucked in our Christmas wreath. Our front door is around the side of the house and up in a porch, so it's not super easily accessible from the street.

The pill bottle had no label, so we looked up the pills, and it's hydrocodone. Obviously it's not illegal, and we are so not into that stuff, so our first inclination is to just flush it and be done with it, but I'm not sure if cops even care?

I'm terrified that either a)Someone is delivering to the wrong house and may want money, b) Someone stashed it from the cops or c)It was supposed to be a handoff and someone will be back looking for it.

We took the entire wreath off the door so there's no question that it is gone. We have a big dog and a gun in the house, so I truly think our risk level is low.

Do we call the cops for a legal, but controlled substance??

Re: XP Advice - Involve Cops or No?

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    Yeah, first time anything like this has happened.
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    Hydrocodone in a bottle with no label is very likely NOT being used legally.

    I probably would report just to cover my ass.  Chances are good they won't do anything with it, but at least there will be a report in case anything sketchy happens again.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    If it were me I would call the cops in the hopes that the perpetrators see them at your house and see your wreath is gone.  Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong but I would want them to know that the cops had been called (and hope like heck they were around when the cops showed up).
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    Also, you shouldn't flush it.  It can contaminate ground water.  See if your area law enforcement or pharmacy has a pill disposal site, or mix them with coffee grounds or kitty litter, put them in a ziploc bag, and toss them in the garbage.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
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    I would report it. Even if nothing else, it would probably get the cops to patrol your neighborhood more. 
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    I agree in reporting it. That way if anything else WERE to happen, for one, the cops know you are not involved and don't want to be involved in anything going down, and two, they know the backstory and might possibly up patrols on your street.

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    Ditto Lia and PP's- call the non-emergency line and report it. It's good to have it in writing somewhere so that you can add any future suspicious activity in your neighborhood.

    The police most likely will step up security (we had drug dealings on my street in Cowtown, MA and the police started driving by more once we started reporting suspicious activity) and that will either 1) get the bad people caught or 2) force them to take their shenannigins elsewhere.
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