Florida-South Florida

Save the date...help!!! =(

Good morning everyone!


            Yesterday I went to give me second deposit for my reception site and believe it or not I was super excited to fork out so much money (LOL). However, the true reason I am writing is to see if I can get some advice. My Fiancé and I are getting married on 11/04/11. Since we have started planning so far in advance I have not told anyone about our reception site or where we are having our ceremony, except for our parents and my fiancé’s cousin who is also getting married in 2011 to avoid conflict. The only thing the rest of the family knows is that we have started the planning process but nothing more. Or at least that’s what I thought……..

            Recently at a family gathering that my fiancé and I were not able to attend, someone decided to share with everyone in attendance our reception and ceremony sites. My fiancé confronted his mother and told her that when we told her our sites that we didn’t want her to tell anyone. She stated that she was not the one to tell anyone and when she is asked she says she does not know.  She then went on saying that the person talking about our plans and trying to get more information was my fiancés cousin’s fiancé.  Needless to say when I found out I was furious! I feel that who ever it was took the wind from our sails. If anyone should announce anything to our family it should be us (my fiancé and I).

            That being said…….should I send out save the dates or something? I am kind of scared to send out save the dates so far in advance however, I do not know of any other way to inform our family members.

thank you and sorry for making it so longKiss

Re: Save the date...help!!! =(

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    edited December 2011

    Honestly, I think it's too soon to send out STD's! I mean, I get why you are disappointed that you weren't able to be the first to make the official announcement but it was probably inevitable that in time people would start asking you when and where anyway so you'd end up telling them. I would wait until at least a year out to send STD's. That's just me but I think that if you send them know it would almost be a waste since no one will make any plans this far out.


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    twinkle82576twinkle82576 member
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    edited December 2011

    I agree with Jaime. I'm not getting married until late 2011 either, and I plan on sending out the STD's, at earliest, a year in advance. Nobody is even going to remember them if they get them this early.

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    bluebookbluebook member
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    edited December 2011
    Definitely don't send STDs yet I think. 9 months or a year in advance is good enough. Remember whoever you send STDs to have to be invited to the wedding and lots can happen in two years, you may never want to see some of these people again!
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    Lacey36Lacey36 member
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    edited December 2011
    I def. agree with the pp's. I would wait till at least a year out and then if anyone asks you can always tell them if you like.
    My Bio Photobucket Number Invited 152 image Number Attending 109 image Number Declined 43 image Number Not Replied 0 image RSVP Date June 30th Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    edited December 2011
    I agree with PP. I wouldn't send out the STD until I had a year or less to go to the wedding.
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    PattyJosePattyJose member
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    edited December 2011

    I agree with pp's, but if you really want to tell your family and friends, you can always do a mass e-mail to give them the heads up about the date and place. Nothing too specific, just a general e-mail telling them how exciting this time in our life is and what your future plans are for the wedding.

    I am doing that with my out of town guest. Nothing too formal, just a little email notifying them, so that they can have it in their minds already ;)
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    edited December 2011

    I wanted to chime in and add that what someone said earlier about how once you save the date you're more or less obligated to invite that person is true. And so much changes in 2 years, heck in one year. I know girls on here who regretted sending STD's 9 months out b/c they changed their minds about wanting to invite those people... so I think more informal conversation when you see or talk to people is best for now... don't put yourself in a position that you will regret later...GL

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