Just Engaged and Proposals

Top of the World- St. Louis

     My fiance lives in the St. Louis area and I live 2 hours away. So we usually only get to see each other on the weekends. This is the story of how he proposed:

  We had tried to go to the Arch twice before but this time we were actually able to get in. The first time they had sold out of tickets for the day and the second time there was construction going on.

   I hadn't been in the Arch since the 5th grade for a field trip. He seemed a little quieter than usual but I didn't catch on. This was a total suprise to me also because we had only been dating 7 months!

  So we get to the top of the Arch and it's super crowded! We finally find an open window and look out. It was a super clear and beautiful day and we could se so far! We're looking out of the side that has Bush Stadium and the old Court House.

   I say "This is great! This is a great day". He says, 'Do you know what would make it even better?."
   "What?". He pulls out the box and asks "Will you marry me?". Then he opened the box and the ring fell out! I saw the empty box and was bewildered. I wasn't really sure what was going on. Then we hear the ring clink on the ground.
  So we're looking and then he finds it and picks it up. I then tackle kiss him and say yes. We had a little applause.

I figured that this was kind of a cute story. The ring was actually his Great Grandmother's ring. We still need to get it resized though. :-)

Best of luck to you that read this!!!

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