New Hampshire

NWR: This is gonna be stressful!

We have been looking at a new place to rent until we can buy a house next year! I really wanted a town house, but the rent here in Edmonton is insane! We have friends that live in a beautiful townhouse and pay way under what the market dictates for it. They are moving and we just found out that their landlady has agreed to let us move in for the same price! It is right near my work/downtown and the rent is only a bit more for what we pay for a really tiny condo now that is further away!

The catch is that we would have to take over the lease April 1st! We are away March 20-April 7th for the wedding/honeymooon! So we will be moving right before we leave for NH for the wedding! We will hire movers, but I have a feeling that this is going to add more stress onto an already stressful time! We obviosuly don't want to lose the place, but we must be insane!

Hopefully it all goes smoothly!

TTC #1 Since July 2011
BFP #1 2/28/12- 3/3/12 CP at 4w3d
BFP #2 4/1/12- 5/7/12 Missed M/C at 8w4d (measuring 6w3d)
TTC on hold until December

Re: NWR: This is gonna be stressful!

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    edited December 2011
    That does sound stressful.  I say get all your friends together and make it a moving party.  Buy a bunch of pizzas.  I think a lot of people are motivated by free food.  Or maybe that's just me!Laughing  I hope it all works out!
    Anniversary Buying A Home
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    edited December 2011
    cg-pm, i am also motivated by food...hence the bridal bootcamp i just signed up for!
    edk--i had frineds move the week before their wedding this past summer and they were super stressed, but got it all done!  i am sure you can do it do!  good luck and congrats on the new place!  how exciting!!!
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    EDK2010EDK2010 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    We are definitely hiring movers!
    TTC #1 Since July 2011
    BFP #1 2/28/12- 3/3/12 CP at 4w3d
    BFP #2 4/1/12- 5/7/12 Missed M/C at 8w4d (measuring 6w3d)
    TTC on hold until December
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    mrussell1983mrussell1983 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Best wishes with it! I hope it all goes smoothly :)
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